Automatic extraction of subcategorization frames for Czech
We present some novel machine learning techniques for the identification of
subcategorization information for verbs in Czech. We compare three different statistical …
subcategorization information for verbs in Czech. We compare three different statistical …
[PDF][PDF] Can subcategorization help a statistical dependency parser?
D Zeman - COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on …, 2002 - aclanthology.org
Today there is a relatively large body of work on automatic acquisition of lexicosyntactical
preferences (subcategorization) from corpora. Various techniques have been developed …
preferences (subcategorization) from corpora. Various techniques have been developed …
[PDF][PDF] Learning verb argument structure from minimally annotated corpora
A Sarkar, W Tripasai - … 2002: The 19th International Conference on …, 2002 - aclanthology.org
In this paper we investigate the task of automatically identifying the correct argument
structure for a set of verbs. The argument structure of a verb allows us to predict the …
structure for a set of verbs. The argument structure of a verb allows us to predict the …
[PDF][PDF] Acquisition et évaluation sur corpus de propriétés de sous-catégorisation syntaxique [Acquisition and corpus-based evaluation of syntactic subcategorization …
D Bourigault, C Frérot - … des Langues, Volume 47, Numéro 3 …, 2006 - aclanthology.org
Nous présentons une expérience d'utilisation d'informations de sous-catégorisation par un
analyseur syntaxique pour la résolution d'ambiguïtés de rattachement prépositionnel. Le …
analyseur syntaxique pour la résolution d'ambiguïtés de rattachement prépositionnel. Le …
[PDF][PDF] Statistical parsing algorithms for lexicalized tree adjoining grammars
A Sarkar - 2002 - cs.sfu.ca
The goal of this dissertation is two-fold: to develop the theory of probabilistic Tree Adjoining
Grammars (TAGs) and to present some practical results in the form of efficient parsing and …
Grammars (TAGs) and to present some practical results in the form of efficient parsing and …
[Књига][B] Combining labeled and unlabeled data in statistical natural language parsing
A Sarkar - 2002 - search.proquest.com
Ambiguity resolution in the parsing of natural language requires a vast repository of
knowledge to guide disambiguation. An effective approach to this problem is to use machine …
knowledge to guide disambiguation. An effective approach to this problem is to use machine …
[PDF][PDF] Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames from the Bulgarian Tree Bank
S Marinov, C Hemming - Unpublished manuscript, Graduate …, 2004 - researchgate.net
Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames from the Bulgarian Tree Bank Page 1
Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames from the Bulgarian Tree Bank Svetoslav …
Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames from the Bulgarian Tree Bank Svetoslav …
Automatická extrakce laxikálně-syntaktických údajů z korpusu
O Bojar - 2006 - dspace.cuni.cz
V práci studujeme možnosti automatizovaného získávání lexikálně-syntaktických údajů z
korpusů, konkrétně se zaměřujeme na extrakci slovesných rámců. Upozornili jsme, že pro …
korpusů, konkrétně se zaměřujeme na extrakci slovesných rámců. Upozornili jsme, že pro …
[PDF][PDF] Automatic Extraction of Lexico-Syntactic Information from Corpora
O Bojar, O Bojar - PAT - ufal.mff.cuni.cz
The presented work investigates methods for semi-automatic extraction of lexico-syntactic
information from corpora, particularly the information on subcategorization and valency …
information from corpora, particularly the information on subcategorization and valency …
[Цитат][C] İnternet tabanlı bilgi erişimi destekli bir otomatik öğrenme sistemi
E Uzun - 2007 - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü