Reactive oxygen species (ROS): beneficial companions of plants' developmental processes
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated inevitably in the redox reactions of plants,
including respiration and photosynthesis. In earlier studies, ROS were considered as toxic …
including respiration and photosynthesis. In earlier studies, ROS were considered as toxic …
Seed longevity—The evolution of knowledge and a conceptual framework
The lifespan or longevity of a seed is the time period over which it can remain viable. Seed
longevity is a complex trait and varies greatly between species and even seed lots of the …
longevity is a complex trait and varies greatly between species and even seed lots of the …
Mechanisms of plant desiccation tolerance
Abstract Anhydrobiosis ('life without water') is the remarkable ability of certain organisms to
survive almost total dehydration. It requires a coordinated series of events during …
survive almost total dehydration. It requires a coordinated series of events during …
Active oxygen species and antioxidants in seed biology
C Bailly - Seed science research, 2004 - cambridge.org
Active oxygen species (AOS) are involved in various aspects of seed physiology. Their
generation, which occurs during seed desiccation, germination and ageing, may lead to …
generation, which occurs during seed desiccation, germination and ageing, may lead to …
[HTML][HTML] From intracellular signaling networks to cell death: the dual role of reactive oxygen species in seed physiology
C Bailly, H El-Maarouf-Bouteau… - Comptes …, 2008 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are continuously produced during seed development, from
embryogenesis to germination, but also during seed storage. ROS play a dual role in seed …
embryogenesis to germination, but also during seed storage. ROS play a dual role in seed …
[КНИГА][B] A protocol to determine seed storage behaviour
TD Hong, RH Ellis - 1996 - books.google.com
This publication provides an approach by which conservationists can determine whether or
not long-term seed storage is feasible for a particular species, ie whether or not that species …
not long-term seed storage is feasible for a particular species, ie whether or not that species …
Dehydrins: emergence of a biochemical role of a family of plant dehydration proteins
TJ Close - Physiologia plantarum, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
A number of proteins have been identified that typically accumulate in plants in response to
any environmental stimulus that has a dehydrative component or is temporally associated …
any environmental stimulus that has a dehydrative component or is temporally associated …
Orthodoxy, recalcitrance and in-between: describing variation in seed storage characteristics using threshold responses to water loss
C Walters - Planta, 2015 - Springer
Main conclusion Discrete categories of seed physiology can be explained through a unified
concept of the structural and molecular mobility responses within cells to drying. Tolerance …
concept of the structural and molecular mobility responses within cells to drying. Tolerance …
The unique role of seed banking and cryobiotechnologies in plant conservation
C Walters, VC Pence - Plants, People, Planet, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Societal Impact Statement Eroding plant diversity has serious implications for the well‐being
of humanity and our planet. Conserving plants ex situ requires technologies that are rapidly …
of humanity and our planet. Conserving plants ex situ requires technologies that are rapidly …
An integrated overview of seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype WS
S Baud, JP Boutin, M Miquel, L Lepiniec… - Plant Physiology and …, 2002 - Elsevier
This work is part of a research program aiming at identifying and studying genes involved in
Arabidopsis thaliana seed maturation. We focused here on the Wassilewskija ecotype seed …
Arabidopsis thaliana seed maturation. We focused here on the Wassilewskija ecotype seed …