Quantum many-body scars and Hilbert space fragmentation: A review of exact results

S Moudgalya, BA Bernevig… - Reports on Progress in …, 2022‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The discovery of quantum many-body scars (QMBS) both in Rydberg atom simulators and in
the Affleck–Kennedy–Lieb–Tasaki spin-1 chain model, have shown that a weak violation of …

From quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics

L D'Alessio, Y Kafri, A Polkovnikov, M Rigol - Advances in Physics, 2016‏ - Taylor & Francis
This review gives a pedagogical introduction to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
(ETH), its basis, and its implications to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. In the first …

Avalanches and many-body resonances in many-body localized systems

A Morningstar, L Colmenarez, V Khemani, DJ Luitz… - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
We numerically study both the avalanche instability and many-body resonances in strongly
disordered spin chains exhibiting many-body localization (MBL). Finite-size systems behave …

Krylov complexity from integrability to chaos

E Rabinovici, A Sánchez-Garrido, R Shir… - Journal of High Energy …, 2022‏ - Springer
A bstract We apply a notion of quantum complexity, called “Krylov complexity”, to study the
evolution of systems from integrability to chaos. For this purpose we investigate the …

Quantum chaos challenges many-body localization

J Šuntajs, J Bonča, T Prosen, L Vidmar - Physical Review E, 2020‏ - APS
Characterizing states of matter through the lens of their ergodic properties is a fascinating
new direction of research. In the quantum realm, the many-body localization (MBL) was …

Krylov complexity and chaos in quantum mechanics

K Hashimoto, K Murata, N Tanahashi… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023‏ - Springer
A bstract Recently, Krylov complexity was proposed as a measure of complexity and
chaoticity of quantum systems. We consider the stadium billiard as a typical example of the …

Time crystals: a review

K Sacha, J Zakrzewski - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2017‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Time crystals are time-periodic self-organized structures postulated by Frank Wilczek in
2012. While the original concept was strongly criticized, it stimulated at the same time an …

Spectroscopic signatures of localization with interacting photons in superconducting qubits

P Roushan, C Neill, J Tangpanitanon, VM Bastidas… - Science, 2017‏ - science.org
Quantized eigenenergies and their associated wave functions provide extensive information
for predicting the physics of quantum many-body systems. Using a chain of nine …

Quantum coherence and geometric quantum discord

ML Hu, X Hu, J Wang, Y Peng, YR Zhang, H Fan - Physics Reports, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Quantum coherence and quantum correlations are of fundamental and practical significance
for the development of quantum mechanics. They are also cornerstones of quantum …

Quantum entanglement in neural network states

DL Deng, X Li, S Das Sarma - Physical Review X, 2017‏ - APS
Machine learning, one of today's most rapidly growing interdisciplinary fields, promises an
unprecedented perspective for solving intricate quantum many-body problems …