[HTML][HTML] The use of surfactants in enhanced oil recovery: A review of recent advances
Currently, there is a widespread interest in the different methods of chemical enhanced oil
recovery (EOR) as a result of the continuous decline in the conventional oil reserves and the …
recovery (EOR) as a result of the continuous decline in the conventional oil reserves and the …
[HTML][HTML] Application of polymers for chemical enhanced oil recovery: a review
Polymers play a significant role in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) due to their viscoelastic
properties and macromolecular structure. Herein, the mechanisms of the application of …
properties and macromolecular structure. Herein, the mechanisms of the application of …
The effect of surfactant concentration, salinity, temperature, and pH on surfactant adsorption for chemical enhanced oil recovery: a review
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes have a great potential to maximize oil recovery
factor of the existing reservoirs, where a significant volume of the unrecovered oil after …
factor of the existing reservoirs, where a significant volume of the unrecovered oil after …
Comprehensive review on the role of surfactants in the chemical enhanced oil recovery process
With a constant upsurge in energy demand, production from depleted and harsh reservoirs
through enhanced oil recovery techniques (EOR) has significantly increased. Among many …
through enhanced oil recovery techniques (EOR) has significantly increased. Among many …
Comprehensive review on surfactant adsorption on mineral surfaces in chemical enhanced oil recovery
With the increasing demand for efficient extraction of residual oil, enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) offers prospects for producing more reservoirs' original oil in place. As one of the most …
(EOR) offers prospects for producing more reservoirs' original oil in place. As one of the most …
An overview of chemical enhanced oil recovery: recent advances and prospects
Despite the progress made on renewable energy, oil and gas remains the world's primary
energy source. Meanwhile, large amounts of oil deposits remain unrecovered after …
energy source. Meanwhile, large amounts of oil deposits remain unrecovered after …
Surfactants: Recent advances and their applications
Surfactants have been widely used in many industrial products such as detergents,
medicines, and anti-corrosive treatments due to their unique structures consisted of two …
medicines, and anti-corrosive treatments due to their unique structures consisted of two …
[HTML][HTML] Surfactants employed in conventional and unconventional reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery—A review
Due to the continuous depletion of crude oils in the reserves, and continuous rise in energy
demand, there is currently a widespread interest in various methods of chemical enhanced …
demand, there is currently a widespread interest in various methods of chemical enhanced …
Effect of surfactants on the transport of polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics in porous media
Y Jiang, X Yin, X **, D Guan, H Sun, N Wang - Water Research, 2021 - Elsevier
The transport of microplastics in porous media is attracting increasing attention. However, to
date, research is limited to polystyrene microplastics. Meanwhile, surfactants can promote …
date, research is limited to polystyrene microplastics. Meanwhile, surfactants can promote …
A comprehensive review of experimental studies of nanoparticles-stabilized foam for enhanced oil recovery
Nanoparticles-stabilized foam has recently attracted increasing attention for enhanced oil
recovery (EOR) applications, largely due to the potentially high stability of these foams in the …
recovery (EOR) applications, largely due to the potentially high stability of these foams in the …