Compaction of highly deformable cohesive granular powders
Compaction of granular powders underpins many engineering and industrial processes.
The physics underlying the compaction process of highly deformable, cohesive granular …
The physics underlying the compaction process of highly deformable, cohesive granular …
Compaction model for highly deformable particle assemblies
The compaction behavior of deformable grain assemblies beyond jamming remains
bewildering, and existing models that seek to find the relationship between the confining …
bewildering, and existing models that seek to find the relationship between the confining …
The soft discrete element method
G Mollon - Granular Matter, 2022 - Springer
In order to accelerate simulations of assemblies of highly deformable grains, a novel
numerical approach, called Soft Discrete Element Method (SDEM) is presented. It consists in …
numerical approach, called Soft Discrete Element Method (SDEM) is presented. It consists in …
Compacting an assembly of soft balls far beyond the jammed state: Insights from three-dimensional imaging
Very soft grain assemblies have unique shape-changing capabilities that allow them to be
compressed far beyond the rigid jammed state by filling void spaces more effectively …
compressed far beyond the rigid jammed state by filling void spaces more effectively …
Three-dimensional compaction of soft granular packings
This paper analyzes the compaction behavior of assemblies composed of soft (elastic)
spherical particles beyond the jammed state, using three-dimensional non-smooth contact …
spherical particles beyond the jammed state, using three-dimensional non-smooth contact …
Softer than soft: Diving into squishy granular matter
Softer than soft, squishy granular matter is composed of grains capable of significantly
changing their shape (typically a deformation larger than 10%) without tearing or breaking …
changing their shape (typically a deformation larger than 10%) without tearing or breaking …
Explicit total Lagrangian material point method with implicit frictional-contact model for soft granular materials
We introduce a novel numerical method for the simulation of soft granular materials, in which
the particles can undergo large strains under load without rupture. The proposed approach …
the particles can undergo large strains under load without rupture. The proposed approach …
Micromechanical description of the compaction of soft pentagon assemblies
We analyze the isotropic compaction of assemblies composed of soft pentagons interacting
through classical Coulomb friction via numerical simulations. The effect of the initial particle …
through classical Coulomb friction via numerical simulations. The effect of the initial particle …
A new discrete element-embedded finite element method for transient deformation, movement and heat transfer in packed bed
A new discrete element-embedded finite element method (DEFEM) scheme is proposed
here, which solves the contact force and heat conduction of particles with embedded …
here, which solves the contact force and heat conduction of particles with embedded …
Compaction of mixtures of rigid and highly deformable particles: A micromechanical model
We analyze the isotropic compaction of mixtures composed of rigid and deformable
incompressible particles by the nonsmooth contact dynamics approach. The deformable …
incompressible particles by the nonsmooth contact dynamics approach. The deformable …