[HTML][HTML] Adaptive node clustering for underwater sensor networks
Monitoring of an underwater environment and communication is essential for many
applications, such as sea habitat monitoring, offshore investigation and mineral exploration …
applications, such as sea habitat monitoring, offshore investigation and mineral exploration …
Smart IoT network based convolutional recurrent neural network with element-wise prediction system
An Intelligent Internet of Things network based on an Artificial Intelligent System, can
substantially control and reduce the congestion effects in the network. In this paper, an …
substantially control and reduce the congestion effects in the network. In this paper, an …
[PDF][PDF] Implement DNN technology by using wireless sensor network system based on IOT applications
ABSTRACT The smart Internet of Things-based system suggested in this research intends to
increase network and application accuracy by controlling and monitoring the network. This is …
increase network and application accuracy by controlling and monitoring the network. This is …
[PDF][PDF] Design strategies for mobile ad-hoc network to prevent from attack
LEACH protocol is the low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocol consume less
energy and improved the performance of data transmission from cluster head to the base …
energy and improved the performance of data transmission from cluster head to the base …
An Improvement on Leach Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
This paper clarifies the implementation of the leach protocol in wireless sensor networks
(WSN) and develo** an enhanced approach to select the cluster head. The performance …
(WSN) and develo** an enhanced approach to select the cluster head. The performance …
[PDF][PDF] An Examination of the Secure Chaos of 5G Wireless Communication Based on the Intelligent Internet of Things.
JF Yonan - International Journal of Robotics & Control …, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Sensor networks (WSN) report incidents to a central base station using the Ad hoc network
design (BS). Fast IoT communications can be achieved [1][2] through the use of a WSN and …
design (BS). Fast IoT communications can be achieved [1][2] through the use of a WSN and …
Energy Saving E-LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
The WSN is a network that has developed in regions that individuals cannot access. It is
necessary for the sensor to collect the data and transmit it to the base station. The …
necessary for the sensor to collect the data and transmit it to the base station. The …
Clustering method and data transmission algorithm of LEACH protocol optimized for energy efficiency
L Cao - IET Conference Proceedings CP815, 2022 - IET
With the rapid development of science and technology today, people's need to grasp
information in real time has become more and more urgent. The purpose of this paper is to …
information in real time has become more and more urgent. The purpose of this paper is to …
[PDF][PDF] An improvement on leach protocol for wireless sensor network
ST Al-Jebori, SE Hasan - researchgate.net
This paper clarifies the implementation of the leach protocol in wireless sensor networks
(WSN) and develo** an enhanced approach to select the cluster head. The performance …
(WSN) and develo** an enhanced approach to select the cluster head. The performance …