A survey on 5G radio access network energy efficiency: Massive MIMO, lean carrier design, sleep modes, and machine learning
Cellular networks have changed the world we are living in, and the fifth generation (5G) of
radio technology is expected to further revolutionise our everyday lives by enabling a high …
radio technology is expected to further revolutionise our everyday lives by enabling a high …
A study on multi-antenna and pertinent technologies with AI/ML approaches for B5G/6G networks
The quantum leap in mobile data traffic and high density of wireless electronic devices,
coupled with the advancements in industrial radio monitoring and autonomous systems …
coupled with the advancements in industrial radio monitoring and autonomous systems …
Quasi-distributed antenna selection for spectral efficiency maximization in subarray switching XL-MIMO systems
In this paper, we consider the downlink (DL) of a zero-forcing (ZF) precoded extra-large
scale massive MIMO (XL-MIMO) system. The base-station (BS) operates with limited number …
scale massive MIMO (XL-MIMO) system. The base-station (BS) operates with limited number …
Joint antenna selection and beamforming for massive MIMO-enabled over-the-air federated learning
Over-the-air federated learning (OTA-FL) is an emerging technique to reduce the
computation and communication overload caused by the orthogonal transmissions of the …
computation and communication overload caused by the orthogonal transmissions of the …
Antenna selection in massive MIMO based on greedy algorithms
As wireless services proliferate, the demand for available spectrum also grows. As a result,
spectral efficiency is still an issue being addressed by many researchers aiming at …
spectral efficiency is still an issue being addressed by many researchers aiming at …
Antenna selection strategy for energy efficiency maximization in uplink OFDMA networks: A multi-objective approach
This paper aims at investigating the problem of energy efficiency (EE) maximization for
uplink multi-cell networks via a joint design of sub-channel assignment, power control, and …
uplink multi-cell networks via a joint design of sub-channel assignment, power control, and …
Antenna selection for asymmetrical uplink and downlink transceivers in massive MIMO systems
Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have suffered from extremely high
hardware complexity and cost because of the introduction of a tremendous number of …
hardware complexity and cost because of the introduction of a tremendous number of …
Millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems relying on generalized sub-array-connected hybrid precoding
In this paper, we consider a generalized sub-array-connected (GSAC) architecture for
arbitrary radio frequency (RF) chain and antenna configurations, where the number of RF …
arbitrary radio frequency (RF) chain and antenna configurations, where the number of RF …
Asymmetrical uplink and downlink transceivers in massive MIMO systems
Even if massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) can theoretically bring huge benefits,
it incurs substantial hardware complexity and expensive hardware costs. To address these …
it incurs substantial hardware complexity and expensive hardware costs. To address these …
Impacts of antenna downtilt and backhaul connectivity on the UAV-enabled heterogeneous networks
The performance of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled networks is generally
bottlenecked by severe inter-cell interference and limited backhaul connectivity. Against this …
bottlenecked by severe inter-cell interference and limited backhaul connectivity. Against this …