Students' misconceptions and other difficulties in introductory programming: A literature review

Y Qian, J Lehman - ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 2017 -
Efforts to improve computer science education are underway, and teachers of computer
science are challenged in introductory programming courses to help learners develop their …

Exploring programming misconceptions: an analysis of student mistakes in visual program simulation exercises

T Sirkiä, J Sorva - Proceedings of the 12th Koli calling international …, 2012 -
Visual program simulation (VPS) is a form of interactive program visualization in which
novice programmers practice tracing computer programs: using a graphical interface, they …

Automated measurement of competencies and generation of feedback in object-oriented programming courses

J Krugel, P Hubwieser, M Goedicke… - 2020 IEEE Global …, 2020 -
To overcome the shortage of computer specialists, there is an increased need for
correspondent study and training offers, in particular for learning programming. The …

Learning to use functions: The relationship between misconceptions and self-efficacy

M Kallia, S Sentance - Proceedings of the 50th ACM technical …, 2019 -
Computer programming is one of the most researched subjects within computer science
education; within this much attention has been focused on exploring the difficulties and …

Introducing computational thinking in K-12 education: Historical, epistemological, pedagogical, cognitive, and affective aspects

M Lodi - 2020 -
Introduction of scientific and cultural aspects of Computer Science (CS)(called"
Computational Thinking"-CT) in K-12 education is fundamental. We focus on three crucial …

Constructionist attempts at supporting the learning of computer programming: A survey

M Lodi, D Malchiodi, M Monga… - … in Informatics: An …, 2019 -
Although programming is often seen as a key element of constructionist approaches, the
research on learning to program through a constructionist strategy is somewhat limited …

Intelligent tutor for designing function interface in a programming language

D Litovkin, A Anikin, K Kulyukin, O Sychev - International Conference on …, 2022 - Springer
Intelligent tutoring systems play an essential role in learning. In programming learning, the
specificity of the learning process is related to creating code in a programming language …

Incoming CS1 Students' Misconceptions on Arrays

SF Mazumder… - 2023 IEEE Frontiers in …, 2023 -
This paper investigates CS1 students' misconceptions of Java arrays. Each student entering
a CS1 course has an initial mental model with a system of beliefs or intuitions about the …

Learning to program in a constructionist way

M Monga, M Lodi, D Malchiodi… - Proceedings of …, 2018 -
Although programming is often seen as a key element of constructionist approaches, the
research on learning to program through a constructionist strategy is somewhat limited …

Cognitive problems in the process of programming teaching in higher education: learner-instructor experiences

M Elçiçek, H Karal - Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 2020 -
Programming teaching plays an important role in develo** cognitive thinking skills that are
considered to be among 21st century skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking …