Toward a comprehensive and potentially cross-cultural model of why people engage in collective action: A quantitative research synthesis of four motivations and …

M Agostini, M van Zomeren - Psychological bulletin, 2021 -
Sociopsychological theorizing and research on collective action (eg, social protests) has
mushroomed over the last decade, studying a wide variety of groups, contexts, and cultures …

Queer identities in the 21st century: Reclamation and stigma

MGF Worthen - Current Opinion in Psychology, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract “Queer” has undeniably gained popularity as a reclaimed identity in the 21st
century. Recent studies find that between 5% and 20% of non-heterosexuals identify as …

Resilience and collective action: Exploring buffers against minority stress for transgender individuals.

AS Breslow, ME Brewster, BL Velez… - Psychology of Sexual …, 2015 -
With a national sample of 552 transgender adults, the present study tested hypotheses
drawn from minority stress theory and positive psychology research on stress-ameliorating …

Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups

NK Reimer, JC Becker, A Benz… - Personality and …, 2017 -
Previous research has shown that (a) positive intergroup contact with an advantaged group
can discourage collective action among disadvantaged-group members and (b) positive …

From pain to power: An exploration of activism, the# Metoo movement, and healing from sexual assault trauma.

C Strauss Swanson, DM Szymanski - Journal of counseling …, 2020 -
In this qualitative study, we explored the role that social activism and# MeToo and other
large scale antiviolence activist movements may play in sexual assault survivors' healing …

The Daily Heterosexist Experiences Questionnaire: Measuring minority stress among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults

KF Balsam, B Beadnell… - … and Evaluation in …, 2013 -
The authors conducted a three-phase, mixed-methods study to develop a self-report
measure assessing the unique aspects of minority stress for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and …

Who adopts queer and pansexual sexual identities?

JS Morandini, A Blaszczynski… - The Journal of Sex …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Some nonheterosexual individuals are eschewing lesbian/gay and bisexual identities for
queer and pansexual identities. The present study aimed to examine the sexual and …

Measuring transgender individuals' comfort with gender identity and appearance: Development and validation of the Transgender Congruence Scale

HB Kozee, TL Tylka… - Psychology of Women …, 2012 -
Our study used the construct of congruence to conceptualize the degree to which
transgender individuals feel genuine, authentic, and comfortable with their gender identity …

[HTML][HTML] An investigation of quantitative methods for assessing intersectionality in health research: A systematic review

A Guan, M Thomas, E Vittinghoff, L Bowleg… - SSM-population …, 2021 - Elsevier
Intersectionality is a theoretical framework that investigates how interlocking systems of
power and oppression at the societal level influence the lived experiences of historically and …

Seeing the unseen: Attention to daily encounters with sexism as way to reduce sexist beliefs

JC Becker, JK Swim - Psychology of Women Quarterly, 2011 -
Three experiments were conducted in the United States and Germany to test whether
women and men endorse sexist beliefs because they are unaware of the prevalence of …