Consumers response towards mobile commerce applications: SOR approach

PK Chopdar, J Balakrishnan - International Journal of Information …, 2020 - Elsevier
The paramount importance for mobile retailers, expecting higher sales and cost savings is
customer retention. Though previous studies have explored various nuances of customer …

The influence of social networks on environmental awareness and the social responsibility of generations

EA Severo, JCF Guimarães, ML Dellarmelin… - BBR. Brazilian …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
With the advent of globalization and access to information, social networks came to be
widely used by different generations. However, environmental issues have been causing …

The perception of Hungarian food by consumer segments according to food purchasing preferences based on primary research results

M Garai-Fodor, A Popovics, Á Csiszárik-Kocsir - Plos one, 2022 -
In addition to the intrinsic value of the product, social, cultural and psychological factors also
have a major influence on the consumer's purchasing decision. They are also influenced by …

E-service quality perceptions of millennials and non-millennials on O2O delivery applications

X Zhuang, L Lin, R Zhang, J Li, B He - British Food Journal, 2021 -
Purpose This study attempts to explore major attributes of food delivery applications in
consideration of their impacts upon perceived service quality, satisfaction and usage …

Customer's choice of purchasing channel: do channel characteristic, brand, and loyalty matter when shop** in hybrid retailers?

R Bauerová, V Braciníková - Sustainability, 2021 -
Despite the increasing interest of researchers in the factors that lead customers to buy
online, attention has not yet been paid to the factors in hybrid companies, where it is …

[PDF][PDF] Analysing the perceptions of generations X, Y and Z about online platforms and digital marketing activities–a review

A Anoop Gurunathan, KS Lakshmi - International Journal of …, 2024 -
Marketers are challenged to uncover new insights to hold the attention of all generations
with digital marketing and advertising. This review explores the perceptions, behaviours …

The impact of influencers on the decision-making process regarding the purchase of the brand product

L Gajanova, J Majerova, M Nadanyiova - Business, Management and …, 2020 -
Purpose–the aim of this paper is to study the impact of influencers on the decisionmaking
process regarding the purchase of the brand product. Research methodology–the method of …

[HTML][HTML] Modern methods of sustainable behaviour analysis—the case of purchasing FMCG

K Biercewicz, U Chrąchol-Barczyk, J Duda… - Sustainability, 2022 -
In this manuscript, the authors aim to explore sustainable consumer behaviour during
shop** at a self-service store with fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). An innovative …

[PDF][PDF] Environmental sustainability and sustainable consumption: the perception of baby boomers, generation x and y in Brazil

EA Severo, JCF de Guimarães, LMP Brito… - Revista de Gestão …, 2017 -
ABSTRACT Generations types–Baby Boomers, X and Y–are inserted in society, consuming
natural resources and impacting the environment. This study aims to analyze the perception …