Global prevalence of physical activity for children and adolescents; inconsistencies, research gaps, and recommendations: a narrative review
Background One of the strategic actions identified in the Global Action Plan on Physical
Activity (PA) 2018–2030 is the enhancement of data systems and capabilities at national …
Activity (PA) 2018–2030 is the enhancement of data systems and capabilities at national …
Longitudinal changes in moderate‐to‐vigorous‐intensity physical activity in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Moderate‐to‐vigorous‐intensity physical activity (MVPA) is important for childhood obesity
prevention and treatment, yet declines with age. Timing and magnitude of the decline in …
prevention and treatment, yet declines with age. Timing and magnitude of the decline in …
Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europe–harmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents
Background Levels of physical activity and variation in physical activity and sedentary time
by place and person in European children and adolescents are largely unknown. The …
by place and person in European children and adolescents are largely unknown. The …
[HTML][HTML] Depressive symptoms and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour throughout adolescence: a prospective cohort study
Background Identifying modifiable risk factors is essential to reduce the prevalence
adolescent depression. Self-report data suggest that physical activity and sedentary …
adolescent depression. Self-report data suggest that physical activity and sedentary …
Global participation in sport and leisure-time physical activities: A systematic review and meta-analysis
This review aimed to determine the most popular physical activities performed by children,
adolescents, and adults globally. Statistic bureau websites and article databases Scopus …
adolescents, and adults globally. Statistic bureau websites and article databases Scopus …
Progress in physical activity over the Olympic quadrennium
On the eve of the 2012 summer Olympic Games, the first Lancet Series on physical activity
established that physical inactivity was a global pandemic, and global public health action …
established that physical inactivity was a global pandemic, and global public health action …
Global matrix 2.0: report card grades on the physical activity of children and youth comparing 38 countries
The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance organized the concurrent preparation of Report
Cards on the physical activity of children and youth in 38 countries from 6 continents …
Cards on the physical activity of children and youth in 38 countries from 6 continents …
Change in physical activity from adolescence to early adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies
Objective To systematically review and meta-analyse how physical activity (PA) changes
from adolescence to early adulthood (13–30 years). Data sources Seven electronic …
from adolescence to early adulthood (13–30 years). Data sources Seven electronic …
[HTML][HTML] Timing of the decline in physical activity in childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Cohort Study
Background and aim There is a widely held and influential view that physical activity begins
to decline at adolescence. This study aimed to identify the timing of changes in physical …
to decline at adolescence. This study aimed to identify the timing of changes in physical …
Cardiorespiratory fitness in childhood and adolescence affects future cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review of longitudinal studies
S Mintjens, MD Menting, JG Daams, MNM van Poppel… - Sports Medicine, 2018 - Springer
Background Although cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in childhood and adolescence may be
linked to future cardiovascular health, there is currently limited evidence for a longitudinal …
linked to future cardiovascular health, there is currently limited evidence for a longitudinal …