[BOOK][B] Stochastic ageing and dependence for reliability

CD Lai, M **e - 2006 - Springer
Ageing and dependence are two important characteristics in reliability and survival analysis,
and they affect significantly the decision people make with regard to maintenance …

Stochastic orders in reliability and risk

H Li, X Li - Honor of Professor Moshe Shaked. Springer, New York, 2013 - Springer
In summer of 2010, the first author (HL) visited the second author (XL) at Lanzhou University,
China, and chaired the dissertation defense for XL's two graduating doctoral students …

Stochastic Comparison on General Inactivity Time and General Residual Life of k-Out-of-n Systems

X Li, P Zhao - Communications in Statistics—Simulation and …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
This paper conducts stochastic comparison on general residual life and general inactivity
time of (n− k+ 1)-out-of-n systems and investigates the stochastic behavior of the general …

[HTML][HTML] Stochastic comparisons of multivariate mixture models

F Belzunce, JA Mercader, JM Ruiz… - Journal of Multivariate …, 2009 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider sufficient conditions in order to stochastically compare random
vectors of multivariate mixture models. In particular we consider stochastic and convex …

Conditional inactivity time of components in a coherent operating system

M Tavangar - IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The purpose of this paper is to study the conditional inactivity time of failed components of a
coherent system consisting of n identical components with statistically independent lifetimes …

[HTML][HTML] Multivariate dependence of spacings of generalized order statistics

M Burkschat - Journal of multivariate analysis, 2009 - Elsevier
Multivariate dependence of spacings of generalized order statistics is studied. It is shown
that spacings of generalized order statistics from DFR (IFR) distributions have the CIS (CDS) …

Dispersion-type variability orders

F Belzunce, T Hu, BE Khaledi - Probability in the Engineering and …, 2003 - cambridge.org
Dispersion-type orders are introduced and studied. The new orders can be used to compare
the variability of the underlying random variables, among which are the usual dispersive …

Stochastic comparisons and properties of conditional generalized order statistics

P Zhao, N Balakrishnan - Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2009 - Elsevier
Generalized order statistics introduced by Kamps [1995. A concept of generalized order
statistics. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 48, 1–23] provides a unified approach to a variety of …

Negative aging and stochastic comparisons of residual lifetimes in multivariate frailty models

J Mulero, F Pellerey, R Rodríguez-Griñolo - Journal of statistical planning …, 2010 - Elsevier
Consider two random vectors X1 and X2 whose distributions are defined according to the
multivariate frailty approach, and let Xk, t=[Xk− t| Xk> t], k= 1, 2, be the corresponding vectors …

[HTML][HTML] Stochastic comparisons in multivariate mixed model of proportional reversed hazard rate with applications

X Li, G Da - Journal of multivariate analysis, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper studies the multivariate mixed proportional reversed hazard rate model having
dependent mixing variables. Stochastic comparison as well as aging properties in this …