Faster algorithms on linear delta-matroids
We show new algorithms and constructions over linear delta-matroids. We observe an
alternative representation for linear delta-matroids, as a contraction representation over a …
alternative representation for linear delta-matroids, as a contraction representation over a …
A weighted linear matroid parity algorithm
The matroid parity (or matroid matching) problem, introduced as a common generalization of
matching and matroid intersection problems, is so general that it requires an exponential …
matching and matroid intersection problems, is so general that it requires an exponential …
Packing -Paths in Group-Labelled Graphs via Linear Matroid Parity
Y Yamaguchi - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2016 - SIAM
Mader's disjoint \calS-paths problem is a common generalization of non-bipartite matching
and Menger's disjoint paths problems. Lovász J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 28 (1980), pp. 208 …
and Menger's disjoint paths problems. Lovász J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 28 (1980), pp. 208 …
A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Mader's -Path Packing
Given an undirected graph $ G=(V, E) $ with a set of terminals $ T\subseteq V $ partitioned
into a family $\mathcal {S} $ of disjoint blocks, find the maximum number of vertex-disjoint …
into a family $\mathcal {S} $ of disjoint blocks, find the maximum number of vertex-disjoint …
Finding a path with two labels forbidden in group-labeled graphs
The parity of the length of paths and cycles is a classical and well-studied topic in graph
theory and theoretical computer science. The parity constraints can be extended to label …
theory and theoretical computer science. The parity constraints can be extended to label …
Shortest disjoint S-paths via weighted linear matroid parity
Y Yamaguchi - 27th International Symposium on Algorithms and …, 2016 - drops.dagstuhl.de
Mader's disjoint S-paths problem unifies two generalizations of bipartite matching:(a) non-
bipartite matching and (b) disjoint s–t paths. Lovász (1980, 1981) first proposed an efficient …
bipartite matching and (b) disjoint s–t paths. Lovász (1980, 1981) first proposed an efficient …
Finding a shortest non-zero path in group-labeled graphs
We study a constrained shortest path problem in group-labeled graphs with nonnegative
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
A Blossom Algorithm for Maximum Edge-Disjoint T-Paths
S Iwata, Y Yokoi - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2020 - SIAM
Let G=(V, E) be a multigraph with a set T⊆ V of terminals. A path in G is called a T-path if its
ends are distinct vertices in T and no internal vertices belong to T. In 1978, Mader showed a …
ends are distinct vertices in T and no internal vertices belong to T. In 1978, Mader showed a …
A strongly polynomial algorithm for finding a shortest non-zero path in group-labeled graphs
Y Yamaguchi - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2020 - SIAM
We study a constrained shortest path problem in group-labeled graphs with nonnegative
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
Finding a path in group-labeled graphs with two labels forbidden
The parity of the length of paths and cycles is a classical and well-studied topic in graph
theory and theoretical computer science. The parity constraints can be extended to the label …
theory and theoretical computer science. The parity constraints can be extended to the label …