Childhood bullying behaviors at age eight and substance use at age 18 among males. A nationwide prospective study

S Niemelä, A Brunstein-Klomek, L Sillanmäki… - Addictive …, 2011 - Elsevier
Childhood bullying behaviors (bullying and victimization) were studied as risk factors for
substance use among Finnish males. The study design was a nationwide prospective …

Young people's overestimation of peer substance use: an exaggerated phenomenon?

H Pape - Addiction, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Aims This paper queries the notion that young people overestimate peer substance use,
asking whether there is robust evidence that such misperceptions are widespread and …

Role of stress in acquisition of alcohol‐conditioned place preference in adolescent and adult mice

M Song, XY Wang, M Zhao, XY Wang… - Alcoholism: clinical …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Background: Both clinical evidence and findings from animal models demonstrate that there
are differences between adolescents and adults in alcohol dependence. As stress plays a …

[HTML][HTML] Alexithymia, psychopathology and alcohol misuse in adolescence: a population based study on 3556 teenagers

M Gatta, I Facca, E Colombo, L Svanellini… - Neuroscience and …, 2014 -
Objectives: To analyze the association between alexithymia and alcohol intake during
adolescence, also in relation to psychopathology, in order to identify psychological risk …

Bullying behaviour and substance abuse among underage psychiatric inpatient adolescents

AH Luukkonen, K Riala, H Hakko, P Räsänen - European …, 2010 -
Background and objectiveOnly a few studies have examined the putative association
between substance use and bullying others, and to our knowledge none of the previous …

Frequent intoxication and alcohol tolerance in adolescence: associations with psychiatric disorders in young adulthood

M Sarala, J Miettunen, J Koskela, A Mustonen… - …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Aims To assess the associations of intoxication frequency and number of drinks needed to
become intoxicated in mid‐adolescence with onset of psychiatric disorders in early …

Change in adolescents' alcohol-use patterns, from non-drinking to non-heavy drinking or heavy drinking

TC Cheng, CC Lo - Journal of Drug Issues, 2015 -
This study examined risk and protective factors at work when adolescents change from a
non-drinking alcohol-use pattern to either non-heavy drinking or heavy drinking. Using a …

[KNYGA][B] Bullying behaviour in relation to psychiatric disorders, suicidality and criminal offences: A study of under-age adolescent inpatients in Northern Finland

AH Luukkonen - 2010 -
Bullying behaviour is present in the daily life of many adolescents, but research into the
serious problems related to this behaviour is still scarce. The aim of this work was to …

Generic and crime type specific correlates of youth crime: a Finnish population-based study

H Elonheimo, A Sourander, S Niemelä… - Social psychiatry and …, 2011 - Springer
Objective The aim of this study was to examine the psychosocial correlates of various crime
types among adolescent males born in Finland in 1981. Methods Data on crime registered …

[PDF][PDF] Личностные особенности курсантов военно-морских высших военных учебных заведений, склонных к аддиктивному поведению

АЮ Егоров - 2016 -
Актуальность исследования. Согласно современным исследованиям, психические и
поведенческие расстройства вследствие потребления психоактивных (ПАВ) веществ …