Systematic literature review of the objectives, techniques, kinds, and architectures of models at runtime
M Szvetits, U Zdun - Software & Systems Modeling, 2016 - Springer
In the context of software development, models provide an abstract representation of a
software system or a part of it. In the software development process, they are primarily used …
software system or a part of it. In the software development process, they are primarily used …
Model-based vulnerability testing for web applications
F Lebeau, B Legeard, F Peureux… - 2013 IEEE Sixth …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper deals with an original approach to automate Model-Based Vulnerability Testing
(MBVT) for Web applications, which aims at improving the accuracy and precision of …
(MBVT) for Web applications, which aims at improving the accuracy and precision of …
Model‐based security testing: a taxonomy and systematic classification
Model‐based security testing relies on models to test whether a software system meets its
security requirements. It is an active research field of high relevance for industrial …
security requirements. It is an active research field of high relevance for industrial …
Model execution tracing: a systematic map** study
Abstract Model-Driven Engineering is a development paradigm that uses models instead of
code as primary development artifacts. In this paper, we focus on executable models, which …
code as primary development artifacts. In this paper, we focus on executable models, which …
Automated security test generation with formal threat models
Security attacks typically result from unintended behaviors or invalid inputs. Security testing
is labor intensive because a real-world program usually has too many invalid inputs. It is …
is labor intensive because a real-world program usually has too many invalid inputs. It is …
Model-based security testing
Security testing aims at validating software system requirements related to security
properties like confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, availability, and non …
properties like confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, availability, and non …
A threat model‐based approach to security testing
A Marback, H Do, K He… - Software: Practice and …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Software security issues have been a major concern in the cyberspace community, so a
great deal of research on security testing has been performed, and various security testing …
great deal of research on security testing has been performed, and various security testing …
An automated test generation technique for software quality assurance
The world's increased dependence on software-enabled systems has raised major concerns
about software reliability and security. New cost-effective tools for software quality assurance …
about software reliability and security. New cost-effective tools for software quality assurance …
Survey of model-based security testing approaches in the automotive domain
Modern connected or autonomous vehicles (AVs) are highly complex cyber-physical
systems. As a result of the high number of different technologies and connectivity features …
systems. As a result of the high number of different technologies and connectivity features …
Knowledge-based security testing of web applications by logic programming
This article introduces a new method for knowledge-based security testing by logic
programming and the related tool implementation for model-based non-functional security …
programming and the related tool implementation for model-based non-functional security …