[BOK][B] Latvian grammar
A Kalnača, I Lokmane - 2021 - dspace.lu.lv
“Latvian Grammar” was written to make information about the Latvian language and its
grammatical system more easily available not only within Latvia, but also beyond its borders …
grammatical system more easily available not only within Latvia, but also beyond its borders …
[BOK][B] Experiential constructions in Latin
C Fedriani - 2014 - books.google.com
This volume is about the morphosyntactic encoding of feelings and emotions in Latin. It
offers a corpus-based investigation of the Latin data, benefiting from insights of the …
offers a corpus-based investigation of the Latin data, benefiting from insights of the …
[PDF][PDF] Diachronic typology of partitives
IA Seržant - Partitive determiners, partitive pronouns and partitive …, 2021 - library.oapen.org
The present paper investigates diachronic developments that partitives undergo over the
course of time. First, it is shown that true-partitives (part-whole-relation partitives) encoded …
course of time. First, it is shown that true-partitives (part-whole-relation partitives) encoded …
[BOK][B] A typological perspective on Latvian grammar
A Kalnaca - 2014 - books.google.com
Theoretical studies of Latvian grammar have a great deal to offer to contemporary linguistics.
Although traditionally Lithuanian has been the most widely studied Baltic language in …
Although traditionally Lithuanian has been the most widely studied Baltic language in …
[PDF][PDF] Complement clauses and complementation systems: A cross-linguistic study of grammatical organization
K Schmidtke-Bode - 2015 - db-thueringen.de
The present study is a cross-linguistic investigation into the grammar of complement clauses
and the organization of complementation systems. It originated in the context of a larger …
and the organization of complementation systems. It originated in the context of a larger …
[PDF][PDF] Alternating predicates in Icelandic and German: a sign-based construction grammar account
A long-standing divide between Icelandic and German in the literature takes for granted that
there are non-nominative subjects in Icelandic, while corresponding arguments in German …
there are non-nominative subjects in Icelandic, while corresponding arguments in German …
The independent partitive as an Eastern Circum-Baltic isogloss
IA Seržant - Journal of Language Contact, 2015 - brill.com
The paper claims that the independent partitive case in Finnic languages and the
independent partitive genitive case in Baltic and East Slavic (henceforth: ip (g)) show …
independent partitive genitive case in Baltic and East Slavic (henceforth: ip (g)) show …
[PDF][PDF] The independent partitive genitive in North Russian
IA Seržant - Contemporary approaches to dialectology: The area of …, 2014 - uni-potsdam.de
This paper aims to describe the distribution, semantics and syntactic properties of the
independent or bare partitive genitive (IPG) in North Russian in comparison with Standard …
independent or bare partitive genitive (IPG) in North Russian in comparison with Standard …
Roots of ergativity in Africa (and beyond)
A Casaretto, GJ Dimmendaal, B Hellwig… - Studies in African …, 2020 - journals.flvc.org
In the literature, it is often assumed that ergative constructions originate in passive
constructions. The present contribution explores the likelihood of such a passive-to-ergative …
constructions. The present contribution explores the likelihood of such a passive-to-ergative …
What is a subject: The nature and validity of subject tests
What is a subject? is question is the essence of the “oblique subject” problem, ie the
problem of how to analyze syntactic relations for non-canonically case-marked subject-like …
problem of how to analyze syntactic relations for non-canonically case-marked subject-like …