Microeconomic models of family transfers
Standard homo economicus lives in a world of complete markets and maximizes utility which
is a function of his personal consumption. This approximation cannot account for parents …
is a function of his personal consumption. This approximation cannot account for parents …
Altruism, exchange or indirect reciprocity: what do the data on family transfers show?
L Arrondel, A Masson - Handbook of the economics of giving, altruism and …, 2006 - Elsevier
Most models of family transfers consider only two generations and focus on two motives:
altruism and exchange. They also assume perfect substitution between inter vivos financial …
altruism and exchange. They also assume perfect substitution between inter vivos financial …
On the long-run evolution of inheritance: France 1820–2050
T Piketty - The quarterly journal of economics, 2011 - academic.oup.com
This article attempts to document and account for the long-run evolution of inheritance. We
find that in a country like France the annual flow of inheritance was about 20–25% of …
find that in a country like France the annual flow of inheritance was about 20–25% of …
Taxation of intergenerational transfers and wealth
W Kopczuk - Handbook of public economics, 2013 - Elsevier
In this chapter, I review empirical and theoretical literature on taxation of intergenerational
transfers (estates, bequests, inheritances, inter vivos gifts) and wealth. The main message …
transfers (estates, bequests, inheritances, inter vivos gifts) and wealth. The main message …
[KNIHA][B] Unverdientes Vermögen: Soziologie des Erbrechts
J Beckert - 2004 - books.google.com
Wer stirbt, lässt zurück. Wer Eigentum besitzt, hinterlässt dieses. Wem aber gehört dieses
Eigentum? Sämtliche Gesellschaften, die individuelle Eigentums-rechte kennen, brauchen …
Eigentum? Sämtliche Gesellschaften, die individuelle Eigentums-rechte kennen, brauchen …
Family transfers involving three generations
L Arrondel, A Masson - Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Most models of family transfers consider only two generations and focus on two motives:
altruism and exchange. They also assume perfect substitution between inter‐vivos …
altruism and exchange. They also assume perfect substitution between inter‐vivos …
Heterogeneity of the Carnegie effect
The Carnegie effect is the harm inherited wealth does to a recipient's work effort. Carnegie
effect estimates are few, reflecting that such effects are hard to trace. Most previous studies …
effect estimates are few, reflecting that such effects are hard to trace. Most previous studies …
The effect of widowhood on housing and location choices
The number of elderly persons living alone is increasing and their influence on the housing
market is getting larger. This paper investigates the effect of the loss of a spouse on housing …
market is getting larger. This paper investigates the effect of the loss of a spouse on housing …
Behavioral responses to inheritance tax: Evidence from notches in France
For the first time, we exploit quasi-experimental variation to investigate the impact of
inheritance taxation on wealth accumulation. Using bunching and difference-in-differences …
inheritance taxation on wealth accumulation. Using bunching and difference-in-differences …
Compensatory inter vivos gifts
S Hochguertel, H Ohlsson - Journal of applied econometrics, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Parents' transfer motives are important for understanding, eg, macroeconomics, income (re)
distribution, savings, and public finance. Using data from six biennial waves of the Health …
distribution, savings, and public finance. Using data from six biennial waves of the Health …