How to measure labour market effects of immigration: A review
L Okkerse - Journal of Economic Surveys, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
This paper surveys available empirical evidence on labour market effects of immigration.
Many different approaches have been used already to try to find out whether immigration …
Many different approaches have been used already to try to find out whether immigration …
Joint impacts of immigration on wages and employment: review and meta-analysis
A burgeoning literature has emerged during the last two decades to assess the economic
impacts of immigration on host countries. In this paper, we outline the quantitative …
impacts of immigration on host countries. In this paper, we outline the quantitative …
Crossing boundaries and borders: Regional science advances in migration modelling
In this article we survey common themes in recent migration research and comment on the
actual and potential contribution of regional science to this literature. There has been a …
actual and potential contribution of regional science to this literature. There has been a …
How has the globalization of labor affected the labor income share in advanced countries?
I Tytell, F Jaumotte - 2008 - papers.ssrn.com
Labor markets around the world have become increasingly integrated over the last two
decades, with the entry of China, India and the former Eastern bloc into the world trading …
decades, with the entry of China, India and the former Eastern bloc into the world trading …
An SVAR model of fluctuations in US migration flows and state labor market dynamics
Large internal migration flows are typically viewed as evidence of flexible US labor markets
adjusting to asymmetrical regional demand shocks. Yet, amenity‐induced migration flows …
adjusting to asymmetrical regional demand shocks. Yet, amenity‐induced migration flows …
Are there Regional Spillovers from FDI in the UK?
S Girma, K Wakelin - Trade, investment, migration and labour market …, 2002 - Springer
One of the aims of attracting FDI to the UK through incentives is to improve regional
development. Having firms locate in depressed regions, or regions with relatively low …
development. Having firms locate in depressed regions, or regions with relatively low …
The new urban world
Some key features of the world's economic geography are (i) a strong rural-to-urban drift of
people;(ii) a rising importance of cities—or metropolises—as spearheads of innovation and …
people;(ii) a rising importance of cities—or metropolises—as spearheads of innovation and …
Migration and labour markets in OECD countries: a panel cointegration approach
O Damette, V Fromentin - Applied Economics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines the interaction between immigration and the host labour market of 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries using …
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries using …
Does a change in immigration affect the unemployment rate in host countries? Evidence from Australia
This study examines and evaluates the dynamic causality relationship between immigration,
unemployment, wages and GDP per capita in host countries with a focus on Australia …
unemployment, wages and GDP per capita in host countries with a focus on Australia …
The relationship between immigration and unemployment: The case of France
V Fromentin - Economic Analysis and Policy, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper examines the relationship between immigration, the labor market and economic
development in France. Using a system of equations for unemployment, immigration, wage …
development in France. Using a system of equations for unemployment, immigration, wage …