How to measure labour market effects of immigration: A review

L Okkerse - Journal of Economic Surveys, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
This paper surveys available empirical evidence on labour market effects of immigration.
Many different approaches have been used already to try to find out whether immigration …

Joint impacts of immigration on wages and employment: review and meta-analysis

S Longhi, P Nijkamp, J Poot - Journal of Geographical Systems, 2010 - Springer
A burgeoning literature has emerged during the last two decades to assess the economic
impacts of immigration on host countries. In this paper, we outline the quantitative …

Crossing boundaries and borders: Regional science advances in migration modelling

B Cushing, J Poot - Papers in regional science, 2003 - Springer
In this article we survey common themes in recent migration research and comment on the
actual and potential contribution of regional science to this literature. There has been a …

How has the globalization of labor affected the labor income share in advanced countries?

I Tytell, F Jaumotte - 2008 -
Labor markets around the world have become increasingly integrated over the last two
decades, with the entry of China, India and the former Eastern bloc into the world trading …

An SVAR model of fluctuations in US migration flows and state labor market dynamics

MD Partridge, DS Rickman - Southern Economic Journal, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Large internal migration flows are typically viewed as evidence of flexible US labor markets
adjusting to asymmetrical regional demand shocks. Yet, amenity‐induced migration flows …

Are there Regional Spillovers from FDI in the UK?

S Girma, K Wakelin - Trade, investment, migration and labour market …, 2002 - Springer
One of the aims of attracting FDI to the UK through incentives is to improve regional
development. Having firms locate in depressed regions, or regions with relatively low …

The new urban world

K Kourtit, P Nijkamp, MD Partridge - European Planning Studies, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Some key features of the world's economic geography are (i) a strong rural-to-urban drift of
people;(ii) a rising importance of cities—or metropolises—as spearheads of innovation and …

Migration and labour markets in OECD countries: a panel cointegration approach

O Damette, V Fromentin - Applied Economics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines the interaction between immigration and the host labour market of 14
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries using …

Does a change in immigration affect the unemployment rate in host countries? Evidence from Australia

ME AboElsoud, A AlQudah, E Elish - Journal of Applied Economics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study examines and evaluates the dynamic causality relationship between immigration,
unemployment, wages and GDP per capita in host countries with a focus on Australia …

The relationship between immigration and unemployment: The case of France

V Fromentin - Economic Analysis and Policy, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper examines the relationship between immigration, the labor market and economic
development in France. Using a system of equations for unemployment, immigration, wage …