[کتاب][B] Análisis químico cuantitativo
DC Harris - 2003 - books.google.com
El proceso analítico. Medidas. Instrumentos de laboratorio. Error experimental. Estadística y
hojas de cálculo. Métodos de calibrado. Equilibrio químico. Valoraciones. Actividad …
hojas de cálculo. Métodos de calibrado. Equilibrio químico. Valoraciones. Actividad …
Emerging Areas in Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Education: Microfluidics, Microcontrollers, and Chemometrics
Analytical chemistry is a fast-paced field with frequent introduction of new techniques via
research labs; however, incorporation of new techniques into academic curricula lags their …
research labs; however, incorporation of new techniques into academic curricula lags their …
The effects of problem-based learning on pre-service teachers' critical thinking dispositions and perceptions of problem-solving ability
The aim of this study was two-fold. The first aim was to determine the levels of critical
thinking disposition and perception of problem-solving ability of pre-service teachers. The …
thinking disposition and perception of problem-solving ability of pre-service teachers. The …
Survey of the undergraduate analytical chemistry curriculum
This article reports the results of a curriculum survey of 322 analytical chemistry instructors
(92% US-based) conducted during Spring 2021. This snapshot of current course formats …
(92% US-based) conducted during Spring 2021. This snapshot of current course formats …
Problem-based learning in undergraduate instruction. A sophomore chemistry laboratory
P Ram - Journal of Chemical education, 1999 - ACS Publications
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a pedagogical approach based on recent advances in
cognitive science research on human learning. PBL has been used in medical schools for …
cognitive science research on human learning. PBL has been used in medical schools for …
Project-based learning: improving student engagement and performance in the laboratory
JK Robinson - 2013 - Springer
As educators, we frequently reflect upon courses and think of new ways to surmount
obstacles to student learning. Some challenges for analytical chemistry students in the …
obstacles to student learning. Some challenges for analytical chemistry students in the …
[کتاب][B] Exploring chemical analysis
DC Harris - 2005 - books.google.com
Exploring Chemical Analysis provides an ideal one-term text for both chemistry majors and
non-majors. Its coverage of analytical and problem-solving methods teaches students how …
non-majors. Its coverage of analytical and problem-solving methods teaches students how …
Problem-based learning in 9th grade chemistry class:'Intermolecular forces'
This research study aims to examine the effectiveness of a problem-based learning (PBL) on
9th grade students' understanding of intermolecular forces (dipole–dipole forces, London …
9th grade students' understanding of intermolecular forces (dipole–dipole forces, London …
[PDF][PDF] A problem based learning approach to analytical and applied chemistry
Problem based learning (PBL) and extended problem solving activities are increasingly
being used in many disciplines. The effectiveness of these approaches suggests that there …
being used in many disciplines. The effectiveness of these approaches suggests that there …
Problem based learning in acids and bases: Learning achievements and students' beliefs
This study aimed to investigate the effects of Problem Based Learning on high school
students' understanding of ionization of water and acid and base strength. Students' beliefs …
students' understanding of ionization of water and acid and base strength. Students' beliefs …