A technical guide to using Amazon's Mechanical Turk in behavioral accounting research
Multiple social science researchers claim that online data collection, mainly via Amazon's
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), has revolutionized the behavioral sciences (;). While MTurk-based …
Mechanical Turk (MTurk), has revolutionized the behavioral sciences (;). While MTurk-based …
Tax misperception and its effects on decision making–literature review and behavioral taxpayer response model
Previous accounting research shows that taxes affect decision making by individuals and
firms. Most studies assume that agents have an accurate perception regarding their tax …
firms. Most studies assume that agents have an accurate perception regarding their tax …
[PDF][PDF] Four essays on tax misperception
HP Huber - 2023 - edoc.hu-berlin.de
This dissertation consists of four chapters on tax misperception. Tax misperception refers to
the concept that taxpayers are unable to correctly assess their own tax burden. All four …
the concept that taxpayers are unable to correctly assess their own tax burden. All four …
[PDF][PDF] Tax Misperception and Its Effects on Decision Making–Literature Review and Behavioral Taxpayer Response Model
Previous accounting research shows that taxes affect decision making by individuals and
firms. Most studies assume that agents have an accurate perception regarding their tax …
firms. Most studies assume that agents have an accurate perception regarding their tax …
Tax Misperception and Its Effects on Decision Making–a Literature Review
Previous accounting research shows that taxes affect decision making by individuals and
firms. Most studies assume that agents have accurate perception regarding their tax burden …
firms. Most studies assume that agents have accurate perception regarding their tax burden …