From monocytes to M1/M2 macrophages: phenotypical vs. functional differentiation
Studies on monocyte and macrophage biology and differentiation have revealed the
pleiotropic activities of these cells. Macrophages are tissue sentinels that maintain tissue …
pleiotropic activities of these cells. Macrophages are tissue sentinels that maintain tissue …
Map** complex disease traits with global gene expression
Variation in gene expression is an important mechanism underlying susceptibility to
complex disease. The simultaneous genome-wide assay of gene expression and genetic …
complex disease. The simultaneous genome-wide assay of gene expression and genetic …
Comparison of Beta-value and M-value methods for quantifying methylation levels by microarray analysis
Background High-throughput profiling of DNA methylation status of CpG islands is crucial to
understand the epigenetic regulation of genes. The microarray-based Infinium methylation …
understand the epigenetic regulation of genes. The microarray-based Infinium methylation …
A global view of gene activity and alternative splicing by deep sequencing of the human transcriptome
The functional complexity of the human transcriptome is not yet fully elucidated. We report a
high-throughput sequence of the human transcriptome from a human embryonic kidney and …
high-throughput sequence of the human transcriptome from a human embryonic kidney and …
Small molecules enable highly efficient neuronal conversion of human fibroblasts
Forced expression of proneural transcription factors has been shown to direct neuronal
conversion of fibroblasts. Because neurons are postmitotic, conversion efficiencies are an …
conversion of fibroblasts. Because neurons are postmitotic, conversion efficiencies are an …
Gene expression profiles of prostate cancer reveal involvement of multiple molecular pathways in the metastatic process
Background Prostate cancer is characterized by heterogeneity in the clinical course that
often does not correlate with morphologic features of the tumor. Metastasis reflects the most …
often does not correlate with morphologic features of the tumor. Metastasis reflects the most …
Model-based variance-stabilizing transformation for Illumina microarray data
Variance stabilization is a step in the preprocessing of microarray data that can greatly
benefit the performance of subsequent statistical modeling and inference. Due to the often …
benefit the performance of subsequent statistical modeling and inference. Due to the often …
Model population analysis for variable selection
To build a credible model for given chemical or biological or clinical data, it may be helpful to
first get somewhat better insight into the data itself before modeling and then to present the …
first get somewhat better insight into the data itself before modeling and then to present the …
Microarray experiments and factors which affect their reliability
Oligonucleotide microarrays belong to the basic tools of molecular biology and allow for
simultaneous assessment of the expression level of thousands of genes. Analysis of …
simultaneous assessment of the expression level of thousands of genes. Analysis of …
Predictability of human differential gene expression
Differential expression (DE) is commonly used to explore molecular mechanisms of
biological conditions. While many studies report significant results between their groups of …
biological conditions. While many studies report significant results between their groups of …