Recent progress on topological structures in ferroic thin films and heterostructures
Topological spin/polarization structures in ferroic materials continue to draw great attention
as a result of their fascinating physical behaviors and promising applications in the field of …
as a result of their fascinating physical behaviors and promising applications in the field of …
Advantages and developments of Raman spectroscopy for electroceramics
Despite being applied with success in many fields of materials science, Raman
spectroscopy is not yet determinant in the study of electroceramics. Recent experimental …
spectroscopy is not yet determinant in the study of electroceramics. Recent experimental …
Engineering of atomic-scale flexoelectricity at grain boundaries
Flexoelectricity is a type of ubiquitous and prominent electromechanical coupling, pertaining
to the electrical polarization response to mechanical strain gradients that is not restricted by …
to the electrical polarization response to mechanical strain gradients that is not restricted by …
Flexoelectricity and the polarity of complex ferroelastic twin patterns
We study, by means of an atomistic toy model, the interplay of ferroelastic twin patterns and
electrical polarization. Our molecular dynamics simulations reproduce polarity in straight …
electrical polarization. Our molecular dynamics simulations reproduce polarity in straight …
Flexopiezoelectricity at ferroelastic domain walls in WO3 films
The emergence of a domain wall property that is forbidden by symmetry in bulk can offer
unforeseen opportunities for nanoscale low-dimensional functionalities in ferroic materials …
unforeseen opportunities for nanoscale low-dimensional functionalities in ferroic materials …
Mild and wild ferroelectrics and their potential role in neuromorphic computation
EKH Salje - APL Materials, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
In this Perspective, two interrelated new developments are discussed. The first relates to a
much better understanding of the actual movement of domain walls during switching …
much better understanding of the actual movement of domain walls during switching …
Ultrafast Switching in Avalanche‐Driven Ferroelectrics by Supersonic Kink Movements
EKH Salje, X Wang, X Ding… - Advanced Functional …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Devices operating at GHz frequencies can be based on ferroelectric kink‐domains moving
at supersonic speed. The kinks are located inside ferroelastic twin boundaries and are …
at supersonic speed. The kinks are located inside ferroelastic twin boundaries and are …
Evidence of the Monopolar‐Dipolar Crossover Regime: A Multiscale Study of Ferroelastic Domains by In Situ Microscopy Techniques
The elastic interaction between kinks (and antikinks) within domain walls plays a pivotal role
in sha** the domain structure, and their dynamics. In bulk materials, kinks interact as …
in sha** the domain structure, and their dynamics. In bulk materials, kinks interact as …
Crackling noise and avalanches in minerals
EKH Salje, X Jiang - Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2021 - Springer
The non-smooth, jerky movements of microstructures under external forcing in minerals are
explained by avalanche theory in this review. External stress or internal deformations by …
explained by avalanche theory in this review. External stress or internal deformations by …
Ferroelastic domain walls as templates for multiferroic devices
EKH Salje - Journal of Applied Physics, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
Ferroelastic domain walls are typically twin interfaces. They contain a multitude of emerging
properties, including (super-) conductivity, polarity, optically activity, and photovoltaic …
properties, including (super-) conductivity, polarity, optically activity, and photovoltaic …