Exploring the role of TESOL and digital technology in attitudinal change and sustainable learning for students of higher education

F Chen, Y Gao, X Wang - BMC psychology, 2023 - Springer
Purpose This study explores the potential of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages) in encouraging attitudinal change and long-term learning and how digital …

Exploring digital competence among Vietnamese EFL preservice teachers: the role of ICT self-efficacy, collegial collaboration, and infrastructural support

NH Hoang - Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigated factors influencing digital competence among Vietnamese
preservice EFL teachers, focusing on ICT self-efficacy, collegial collaboration, and …

Foreign Language Teacher's Attitudes towards a Pre-Designed Language Learning System.

RRF de la Vall, CV Faundez - Digital Education Review, 2024 - ERIC
Once the pandemic concluded, the Foreign Languages Department of a Chilean state
university hired a Canadian company to implement a pre-designed language learning …

English teachers' attitude and challenges in facing immediate online teaching: A case study in vietnam

VTK Anh - Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2022 - journal.unisza.edu.my
Background and Purpose: Early 21st century saw great changes in all fields of life due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Education worldwide has to suffer from many difficulties when schools …

Charting New Horizons in Teacher Education: How Practicum Students Empower and Support In-Service Teachers

M Ahmadi, N Sabourianzadeh… - Journal of Modern …, 2024 - jmrels.journals.ikiu.ac.ir
Reciprocal learning, nurtured within a community of practice, is a cornerstone of teacher
professional development. Despite extensive research on mentor-led support for student …

Research on Teaching Strategies of Foreign Language Education Under Multicultural Background.

X Wang, L **ong - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Purpose-Foreign language education (FL-E) is a gateway to understanding other cultures
and points of view, and the key to unlocking the transformative potential of FL-E is teaching …

Adaptation of english teachers to the use of call in technical secondary schools in Nyanza district, Rwanda, and its implications on students' performance in english

J Ndahayo, M Ndabuli, S Uwera… - African Journal of Empirical …, 2024 - ajol.info
In some Rwandan schools, the use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in
English teaching has influenced students' English performance. In technical secondary …

CALL Teacher Education Models, Methods, and Theoretical Groundings: A Systematic Review of the Studies in Under-Represented Contexts

F Nami - Handbook of CALL Teacher Education and …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter reports a systematic literature review of CALL teacher education research
conducted in under-represented geographical contexts, namely Asia, the Middle East, and …

[PDF][PDF] Vocational Subject Teacher Training in the Context of the Digital Transformation of the Economy and Artificial Intelligence

Z Geršicová, S Barnová, S Krásna - Adult Education 2023–In the Context of …, 2030 - kamv.cz
The present study is an output of KEGA grant project No. 001VŠDTI-4/2022 Teacher
Training in Vocational Subjects in Accordance with the Requirements of Twin Transition …


VTK Anh - VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, 2022 - jfs.ulis.vnu.edu.vn
COVID-19 pandemic has been widely spread to most countries in the world and its sudden
appearance has seriously impacted the global education. The paper presents findings of a …