Geometric theory of topological defects: methodological developments and new trends
Liquid crystals generally support orientational singularities of the director field known as
topological defects. These latter modify transport properties in their vicinity as if the geometry …
topological defects. These latter modify transport properties in their vicinity as if the geometry …
Impact of a topological defect and Rashba spin-orbit interaction on the thermo-magnetic and optical properties of a 2D semiconductor quantum dot with Gaussian …
In this paper, we examine the effect of introducing a conical disclination on the thermal and
optical properties of a two dimensional GaAs quantum dot in the presence of a uniform and …
optical properties of a two dimensional GaAs quantum dot in the presence of a uniform and …
Wave propagation in metamaterials mimicking the topology of a cosmic string
I Fernández-Núñez, O Bulashenko - Journal of Optics, 2018 -
We study the interference and diffraction of light when it propagates through a metamaterial
medium mimicking the spacetime of a cosmic string—a topological defect with curvature …
medium mimicking the spacetime of a cosmic string—a topological defect with curvature …
Optical transition rates of a polar quantum disc with conical disclination in a magnetic field: effects of some forms of the electric potential
Theoretical investigations are carried out of optical transitions of a polar disc with a conical
disclination and under the influence of a parallel applied uniform magnetic field. Additional …
disclination and under the influence of a parallel applied uniform magnetic field. Additional …
Magneto‐optical specifications of Rosen‐Morse quantum dot with screw dislocation
This is the first study to consider a quantum dot with screw dislocation that has Rosen‐Morse
(RM) confinement potential, generated by a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructure. An external …
(RM) confinement potential, generated by a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructure. An external …
Concurrent guiding of light and heat by transformation optics and transformation thermodynamics via soft matter
Controlling light and heat via metamaterials has presented interesting technological
applications using transformation optics (TO) and transformation thermodynamics (TT) …
applications using transformation optics (TO) and transformation thermodynamics (TT) …
High thermal rectifications using liquid crystals confined into a conical frustum
In recent years, phononics, that studies thermal analogs of electronic devices, has become
an important subject due to the need for better use of energy resources influenced by …
an important subject due to the need for better use of energy resources influenced by …
Simultaneous rectification of heat and light using liquid crystal
SJ Santos, J Andrade, E Pereira - Journal of Applied Physics, 2018 -
The detection and treatment of signals are proper applications of, for example, thermal and
optical diodes. However, such devices are mono-physical ones, rectifying only one kind of …
optical diodes. However, such devices are mono-physical ones, rectifying only one kind of …
Thermal and shape topological robustness of heat switchers using nematic liquid crystals
One interesting way to control heat is to use devices designed by transformation thermics,
where artificial media are used. However, once manufactured (either repelling or …
where artificial media are used. However, once manufactured (either repelling or …
High rectification in a broadband subwavelength acoustic device using liquid crystals
Acoustic diodes can be relevant to improve the audible comfort of indoor environments or to
provide better ultrasound images. However, such diodes are usually based on nonlinear …
provide better ultrasound images. However, such diodes are usually based on nonlinear …