[HTML][HTML] Severe plastic deformation for producing superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review
Ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials are currently of high interest due to their
superior mechanical and functional properties. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) is one of …
superior mechanical and functional properties. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) is one of …
Current trends in metallic materials for body panels and structural members used in the automotive industry
The development of lightweight and durable materials for car body panels and load-bearing
elements in the automotive industry results from the constant desire to reduce fuel …
elements in the automotive industry results from the constant desire to reduce fuel …
[HTML][HTML] Achieving ultra-high strength and ductility in Mg–9Al–1Zn–0.5 Mn alloy via selective laser melting
Abstract Fabrication of the Mg–9Al–1Zn–0.5 Mn alloy with excellent mechanical
performance using selective laser melting (SLM) technology is quite difficult owing to the …
performance using selective laser melting (SLM) technology is quite difficult owing to the …
Effect of high pressure torsion process on the microhardness, microstructure and tribological property of Ti6Al4V alloy
In the present study, a fully lamellar Ti6Al4V alloy was severely deformed by high pressure
torsion (HPT) process under a pressure of 7.5 GPa up to 10 revolutions. Experimental …
torsion (HPT) process under a pressure of 7.5 GPa up to 10 revolutions. Experimental …
Gradient nanostructure evolution and phase transformation of α phase in Ti-6Al-4V alloy induced by ultrasonic surface rolling process
N Ao, D Liu, X Xu, X Zhang, D Liu - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019 - Elsevier
The gradient nanostructure evolution and the mechanism governing this evolution of α
phase in Ti-6Al-4V alloy induced by ultrasonic surface rolling process were investigated. A …
phase in Ti-6Al-4V alloy induced by ultrasonic surface rolling process were investigated. A …
Effect of temperature rise on microstructural evolution during high-pressure torsion
Dynamic recrystallization occurs at room temperature during high-pressure torsion (HPT)
leading to the formation of ultrafine grains with high angles of misorientation. There are …
leading to the formation of ultrafine grains with high angles of misorientation. There are …
Effect of severe shot peening and ultra-low temperature plasma nitriding on Ti-6Al-4V alloy
In this study, the fatigue behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy is tend to be improved by severe plastic
deformation via shot peening and plasma nitriding. Shot peening with sub-branches …
deformation via shot peening and plasma nitriding. Shot peening with sub-branches …
Using heat treatments, high-pressure torsion and post-deformation annealing to optimize the properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys
Experiments were conducted to investigate the processing parameters that may be used to
optimize the properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys. The alloy was initially subjected to two different …
optimize the properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys. The alloy was initially subjected to two different …
[HTML][HTML] Single-point incremental forming of titanium and titanium alloy sheets
Incremental sheet forming of titanium and its alloys has a significant role in modern
manufacturing techniques because it allows for the production of high-quality products with …
manufacturing techniques because it allows for the production of high-quality products with …
Plastic strain-induced sequential martensitic transformation
In contrast with pseudo-elasticity, martensite induced by plastic straining is known to exhibit
limited further transformability and reversibility. The mechanistic and atomistic nature of a …
limited further transformability and reversibility. The mechanistic and atomistic nature of a …