Remotely sensed rivers in the Anthropocene: State of the art and prospects
The rivers of the world are undergoing accelerated change in the Anthropocene, and need
to be managed at much broader spatial and temporal scales than before. Fluvial remote …
to be managed at much broader spatial and temporal scales than before. Fluvial remote …
Monitoring restored riparian vegetation: how can recent developments in remote sensing sciences help?
Riparian vegetation restoration projects require appropriate tools to monitor actions
efficiency. On a large scale remote sensing approaches can provide continuous and …
efficiency. On a large scale remote sensing approaches can provide continuous and …
Estimating the urban fractional vegetation cover using an object-based mixture analysis method and Sentinel-2 MSI imagery
Y Cai, M Zhang, H Lin - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Accurate and efficient identification of the urban vegetation abundance is of great
importance for urban planning and management. A lot of efforts have been made to estimate …
importance for urban planning and management. A lot of efforts have been made to estimate …
Object‐based map** of karst rocky desertification using a support vector machine
EQ Xu, HQ Zhang, MX Li - Land Degradation & Development, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Accurate and cost‐effective map** of karst rocky desertification (KRD) is still a challenge
at the regional and national scale. Visual interpretation has been utilised in the majority of …
at the regional and national scale. Visual interpretation has been utilised in the majority of …
Evaluating pixel-based vs. object-based image analysis approaches for lithological discrimination using VNIR data of WorldView-3
The object-based against pixel-based image analysis approaches were assessed for
lithological map** in a geologically complex terrain using Visible Near Infrared (VNIR) …
lithological map** in a geologically complex terrain using Visible Near Infrared (VNIR) …
Characterization of the horizontal structure of the tropical forest canopy using object-based LiDAR and multispectral image analysis
This article's goal is to explore the benefits of using Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital
Terrain Model (DTM) derived from LiDAR acquisitions for characterizing the horizontal …
Terrain Model (DTM) derived from LiDAR acquisitions for characterizing the horizontal …
An object-based image analysis method for monitoring land conversion by artificial sprawl use of RapidEye and IRS data
S Dupuy, E Barbe, M Balestrat - Remote Sensing, 2012 - mdpi.com
In France, in the peri-urban context, urban sprawl dynamics are particularly strong with huge
population growth as well as a land crisis. The increase and spreading of built-up areas from …
population growth as well as a land crisis. The increase and spreading of built-up areas from …
Implementing the DPSIR framework to link water quality of rivers to land use: methodological issues and preliminary field test
N Lalande, F Cernesson, A Decherf… - International Journal of …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
River functioning is closely influenced by land uses, along the stream itself and throughout
the catchment. Land uses can be seen as both the expression of the natural environment …
the catchment. Land uses can be seen as both the expression of the natural environment …
Assessing natural and human‐induced river corridor changes using object‐based image analysis (Orljava River, Croatia)
K Pavlek, M Gašparović… - River research and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This study employs object‐based image analysis to investigate land cover dynamics and
channel changes in the managed corridor of the Orljava River following anthropogenic …
channel changes in the managed corridor of the Orljava River following anthropogenic …
[PDF][PDF] Integrative assessment and modelling of the non timber forest products potential in Nuba Mountains of Sudan by field methods, remote sensing and GIS
T Deafalla - 2022 - core.ac.uk
The links between climate change, environmental degradation, and conflict are highly
complex and poorly understood as yet. Resources always constitute risks of conflict in …
complex and poorly understood as yet. Resources always constitute risks of conflict in …