The global food‐energy‐water nexus
Water availability is a major factor constraining humanity's ability to meet the future food and
energy needs of a growing and increasingly affluent human population. Water plays an …
energy needs of a growing and increasingly affluent human population. Water plays an …
A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations
Executive summary The health of the planet and its people are at risk. The deterioration of
the global commons—ie, the natural systems that support life on Earth—is exacerbating …
the global commons—ie, the natural systems that support life on Earth—is exacerbating …
The asymmetric impacts of international agricultural trade on water use scarcity, inequality and inequity
Freshwater is closely interconnected with multiple sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Virtual water transfer associated with agricultural trade may help to mitigate water scarcity …
Virtual water transfer associated with agricultural trade may help to mitigate water scarcity …
[HTML][HTML] Global virtual water trade and the hydrological cycle: patterns, drivers, and socio-environmental impacts
The increasing global demand for farmland products is placing unprecedented pressure on
the global agricultural system and its water resources. Many regions of the world, that are …
the global agricultural system and its water resources. Many regions of the world, that are …
Global gray water footprint and water pollution levels related to anthropogenic nitrogen loads to fresh water
This is the first global assessment of nitrogen-related water pollution in river basins with a
specification of the pollution by economic sector, and by crop for the agricultural sector. At a …
specification of the pollution by economic sector, and by crop for the agricultural sector. At a …
Feeding humanity through global food trade
The recent intensification of international trade has led to a globalization of food
commodities and to an increased disconnection between human populations and the land …
commodities and to an increased disconnection between human populations and the land …
Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems
Background Agricultural systems are amended ecosystems with a variety of properties.
Modern agroecosystems have tended towards high through-flow systems, with energy …
Modern agroecosystems have tended towards high through-flow systems, with energy …
Progress in socio‐hydrology: A meta‐analysis of challenges and opportunities
Socio‐hydrology was introduced 4 years ago into the scientific lexicon, and elicited several
reactions about the meaning and originality of the concept. However, there has also been …
reactions about the meaning and originality of the concept. However, there has also been …
Trends and environmental impacts of virtual water trade
MM Mekonnen, MM Kebede, BW Demeke… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2024 - nature.com
Virtual water describes water embedded in the production of goods and offers meaningful
insights about the complex interplay between water, trade and sustainability. In this Review …
insights about the complex interplay between water, trade and sustainability. In this Review …
Snowmelt risk telecouplings for irrigated agriculture
Climate change is altering the timing and magnitude of snowmelt, which may either directly
or indirectly via global trade affect agriculture and livelihoods dependent on snowmelt. Here …
or indirectly via global trade affect agriculture and livelihoods dependent on snowmelt. Here …