Quantum phase transitions and vortex dynamics in superconducting networks
Josephson-junction arrays are ideal model systems to study a variety of phenomena such as
phase transitions, frustration effects, vortex dynamics and chaos. In this review, we focus on …
phase transitions, frustration effects, vortex dynamics and chaos. In this review, we focus on …
Quantum phase transitions
S Sachdev - Physics world, 1999 - iopscience.iop.org
NATURE abounds with phase transitions. The boiling and freezing of water are everyday
examples of phase transitions, as are more exotic processes such as superconductivity and …
examples of phase transitions, as are more exotic processes such as superconductivity and …
Quantum phase transitions in two dimensions: Experiments in Josephson-junction arrays
HSJ van der Zant, WJ Elion, LJ Geerligs, JE Mooij - Physical Review B, 1996 - APS
We have studied two-dimensional superconducting networks coupled by Josephson
junctions in the regime where the Josephson coupling energy is comparable in magnitude …
junctions in the regime where the Josephson coupling energy is comparable in magnitude …
Magnus force in superfluids and superconductors
EB Sonin - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
The forces on the vortex, transverse to its velocity, are considered. In addition to the
superfluid Magnus force from the condensate (superfluid component), there are transverse …
superfluid Magnus force from the condensate (superfluid component), there are transverse …
Length-scale dependence of the superconductor-to-insulator quantum phase transition in one dimension
Abstract One-dimensional (1D) arrays of small-capacitance Josephson junctions
demonstrate a sharp transition, from Josephson-like behavior to the Coulomb blockade of …
demonstrate a sharp transition, from Josephson-like behavior to the Coulomb blockade of …
Quantum phase transitions of interacting bosons and the supersolid phase
A Van Otterlo, KH Wagenblast, R Baltin, C Bruder… - Physical Review B, 1995 - APS
We investigate the properties of strongly interacting bosons in two dimensions at zero
temperature using mean-field theory, a variational ansatz for the ground-state wave function …
temperature using mean-field theory, a variational ansatz for the ground-state wave function …
Superfluids and supersolids on frustrated two-dimensional lattices
G Murthy, D Arovas, A Auerbach - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
We study the ground state of hard-core bosons with nearest-neighbor hop** and nearest-
neighbor interactions on the triangular and kagomé lattices by map** to a system of spins …
neighbor interactions on the triangular and kagomé lattices by map** to a system of spins …
Accurate neural quantum states for interacting lattice bosons
In recent years, neural quantum states have emerged as a powerful variational approach,
achieving state-of-the-art accuracy when representing the ground-state wave function of a …
achieving state-of-the-art accuracy when representing the ground-state wave function of a …
Dissipation-driven superconductor-insulator transition in a two-dimensional Josephson-junction array
We have fabricated a two-dimensional array of Josephson junctions within 100 nm of a two-
dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. The screening …
dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. The screening …
Collective Cooper-pair transport in the insulating state of Josephson-junction arrays
We investigate collective Cooper-pair transport of one-and two-dimensional Josephson-
junction arrays. We derive an analytical expression for the current-voltage characteristic …
junction arrays. We derive an analytical expression for the current-voltage characteristic …