The negative priming paradigm: An update and implications for selective attention
Negative Priming (NP) is an influential paradigm in cognitive psychology that was originally
developed to measure attentional selection. Yet, up to the mid-1990s, a large number of …
developed to measure attentional selection. Yet, up to the mid-1990s, a large number of …
Distractor repetitions retrieve previous responses to targets
Response retrieval theories assume that stimuli and responses become integrated into
“event files”(Hommel, 1998) in memory so that a second encounter with a specific stimulus …
“event files”(Hommel, 1998) in memory so that a second encounter with a specific stimulus …
Negative priming as a memory phenomenon
S Mayr, A Buchner - Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of …, 2007 -
Reactions to recently ignored stimuli are slowed down or more error prone when compared
to reactions to control stimuli. This so-called negative priming effect has been traditionally …
to reactions to control stimuli. This so-called negative priming effect has been traditionally …
Attention meets binding: Only attended distractors are used for the retrieval of event files
Response-irrelevant stimuli can be encoded with, and later on retrieve, a response given to
a relevant stimulus, an effect that is called distractor–response binding. In three experiments …
a relevant stimulus, an effect that is called distractor–response binding. In three experiments …
To be or not to be… included in an event file: Integration and retrieval of distractors in stimulus–response episodes is influenced by perceptual grou**.
The binding of stimulus and response features into stimulus–response (SR) episodes or
“event files” is a basic process for the efficient control of behavior. However, relevant …
“event files” is a basic process for the efficient control of behavior. However, relevant …
Cardiac cycle time effects on selection efficiency in vision
The effect of cardiac cycle time on attentional selection was investigated in an experiment in
which participants classified target letters in a visual selection task. Stimulus onsets were …
which participants classified target letters in a visual selection task. Stimulus onsets were …
Differences in the strength of distractor inhibition do not affect distractor–response bindings
Distractor inhibition and distractor–response binding were investigated in two experiments
by analyzing distractor repetition benefits and their interaction with response repetition …
by analyzing distractor repetition benefits and their interaction with response repetition …
On the decay of distractor-response episodes
C Frings - Experimental Psychology, 2010 -
Distractor-to-distractor repetition effects can be explained by retrieval and/or inhibitory
processes. Interestingly, the two accounts predict different effects from repeated distractors …
processes. Interestingly, the two accounts predict different effects from repeated distractors …
Retrieval of event files can be conceptually mediated
Distractor-based retrieval of event files was assessed with a sequential priming experiment
using a four-choice identification task. Pictures or sounds of four different animals (frog …
using a four-choice identification task. Pictures or sounds of four different animals (frog …
Auditory distractor processing in sequential selection tasks
In this review, we analyze the cognitive processes contributing to selection in audition. In
particular, we focus on the processing of auditory distractors in sequential selection …
particular, we focus on the processing of auditory distractors in sequential selection …