Millimeter wave communication: A comprehensive survey

X Wang, L Kong, F Kong, F Qiu, M **a… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2018‏ -
Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication has raised increasing attentions from both
academia and industry due to its exceptional advantages. Compared with existing wireless …

Wireless communication in data centers: A survey

AS Hamza, JS Deogun… - … surveys & tutorials, 2016‏ -
Data centers (DCs) is becoming increasingly an integral part of the computing infrastructures
of most enterprises. Therefore, the concept of DC networks (DCNs) is receiving an increased …

A first look at commercial 5G performance on smartphones

A Narayanan, E Ramadan, J Carpenter, Q Liu… - Proceedings of The …, 2020‏ -
We conduct to our knowledge a first measurement study of commercial 5G performance on
smartphones by closely examining 5G networks of three carriers (two mmWave carriers, one …

Speeding up distributed machine learning using codes

K Lee, M Lam, R Pedarsani… - IEEE Transactions …, 2017‏ -
Codes are widely used in many engineering applications to offer robustness against noise.
In large-scale systems, there are several types of noise that can affect the performance of …

60 GHz indoor networking through flexible beams: A link-level profiling

S Sur, V Venkateswaran, X Zhang… - Proceedings of the 2015 …, 2015‏ -
60 GHz technology holds tremendous potential to upgrade wireless link throughput to Gbps
level. To overcome inherent vulnerability to attenuation, 60 GHz radios communicate by …

The features, hardware, and architectures of data center networks: A survey

T Chen, X Gao, G Chen - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2016‏ - Elsevier
The rapid development of cloud computing in recent years has deeply affected our lifestyles.
As core infrastructures of cloud computing, data centers have gained widespread attention …

X60: A programmable testbed for wideband 60 GHz WLANs with phased arrays

SK Saha, Y Ghasempour, MK Haider… - Proceedings of the 11th …, 2017‏ -
This paper introduces X60, the first SDR-based testbed for 60 GHz WLANs, featuring fully
programmable MAC/PHY/Network layers, multi-Gbps rates, and a user-configurable 12 …

Towards energy-efficient wireless networking in the big data era: A survey

X Cao, L Liu, Y Cheng, X Shen - … Communications Surveys & …, 2017‏ -
With the proliferation of wireless devices, wireless networks in various forms have become
global information infrastructure and an important part of our daily life, which, at the same …

Noncoherent mmWave path tracking

ME Rasekh, Z Marzi, Y Zhu, U Madhow… - Proceedings of the 18th …, 2017‏ -
Millimeter (mm) wave picocellular networks have the potential for providing the 1000X
capacity increase required to keep up with the explosive growth of mobile data. However …

Neural network meets DCN: Traffic-driven topology adaptation with deep learning

M Wang, Y Cui, S **ao, X Wang, D Yang… - Proceedings of the …, 2018‏ -
The emerging optical/wireless topology reconfiguration technologies have shown great
potential in improving the performance of data center networks. However, it also poses a big …