Holocene thermal maximum in the western Arctic (0–180 W)
The spatio-temporal pattern of peak Holocene warmth (Holocene thermal maximum, HTM) is
traced over 140 sites across the Western Hemisphere of the Arctic (0–180° W; north of∼ 60° …
traced over 140 sites across the Western Hemisphere of the Arctic (0–180° W; north of∼ 60° …
History of sea ice in the Arctic
Arctic sea-ice extent and volume are declining rapidly. Several studies project that the Arctic
Ocean may become seasonally ice-free by the year 2040 or even earlier. Putting this into …
Ocean may become seasonally ice-free by the year 2040 or even earlier. Putting this into …
A review on Arctic sea‐ice predictability and prediction on seasonal to decadal time‐scales
Sea ice plays a crucial role in the Earth's energy and water budget and has a substantial
impact on local and remote atmospheric and oceanic circulations. Predictions of Arctic sea …
impact on local and remote atmospheric and oceanic circulations. Predictions of Arctic sea …
Contrasting glacial/interglacial regimes in the western Arctic Ocean as exemplified by a sedimentary record from the Mendeleev Ridge
Distinct cyclicity in lithology and microfaunal distribution in sediment cores from the
Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean (water depths ca. 1.5 km) reflects contrasting …
Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean (water depths ca. 1.5 km) reflects contrasting …
Maintenance of the sea-ice edge
A coupled global climate model is used to evaluate processes that determine the equilibrium
location of the sea-ice edge and its climatological annual cycle. The extent to which the …
location of the sea-ice edge and its climatological annual cycle. The extent to which the …
Aeolian sediment in raised bog deposits, Halland, SW Sweden: a new proxy record of Holocene winter storminess variation in southern Scandinavia?
Cores of peat taken from two raised bogs in the near-coastal part of Halland, SW Sweden,
were examined for their content of wind-transported clastic material. The Boarps Mosse core …
were examined for their content of wind-transported clastic material. The Boarps Mosse core …
Holocene history of drift ice in the northern North Atlantic: Evidence for different spatial and temporal modes
M Moros, JT Andrews, DD Eberl… - Paleoceanography, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
We present new high‐resolution proxy data for the Holocene history of drift ice off Iceland
based on the mineralogy of the< 2‐mm sediment fraction using quantitative X‐ray diffraction …
based on the mineralogy of the< 2‐mm sediment fraction using quantitative X‐ray diffraction …
Diatoms as paleoenvironmental proxies for seasonal productivity, sea-ice and surface circulation in the Bering Sea during the late Quaternary
K Katsuki, K Takahashi - Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in …, 2005 - Elsevier
Diatom assemblages in suspended particulate matter (SPM), surface sediments, and piston
core samples in the southern Bering Sea and the western subarctic Pacific were examined …
core samples in the southern Bering Sea and the western subarctic Pacific were examined …
Striking similarities in temporal changes to spring sea ice occurrence across the central Canadian Arctic Archipelago over the last 7000 years
ST Belt, LL Vare, G Massé, HR Manners… - Quaternary Science …, 2010 - Elsevier
A 7000 year spring sea ice record for Victoria Strait (ARC-4) and Dease Strait (ARC-5) in the
Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) has been determined by quantification of the sea ice …
Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) has been determined by quantification of the sea ice …
The termination of the last major phase of aeolian sand movement, coastal dunefields, Denmark
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sand samples from stabilized (or inactive)
coastal dunes in Denmark provides information on the age of the termination phase of the …
coastal dunes in Denmark provides information on the age of the termination phase of the …