[BOK][B] Security and cooperation in wireless networks: thwarting malicious and selfish behavior in the age of ubiquitous computing
This is the first self-contained text to consider security and non-cooperative behavior in
wireless networks. Major networking trends are analyzed and their implications explained in …
wireless networks. Major networking trends are analyzed and their implications explained in …
Vampire attacks: Draining life from wireless ad hoc sensor networks
Ad hoc low-power wireless networks are an exciting research direction in sensing and
pervasive computing. Prior security work in this area has focused primarily on denial of …
pervasive computing. Prior security work in this area has focused primarily on denial of …
ALARM: Anonymous location-aided routing in suspicious MANETs
K El Defrawy, G Tsudik - IEEE Transactions on Mobile …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In most common mobile ad hoc networking (MANET) scenarios, nodes establish
communication based on long-lasting public identities. However, in some hostile and …
communication based on long-lasting public identities. However, in some hostile and …
Advances in ultralightweight cryptography for low-cost RFID tags: Gossamer protocol
The design of ultralightweight authentication protocols that conform to low-cost tag
requirements is imperative. This paper analyses the most important proposals (except for …
requirements is imperative. This paper analyses the most important proposals (except for …
[PDF][PDF] Surveying security analysis techniques in MANET routing protocols
Secure routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks are vital to proper wireless network
operation. Unfortunately, ad hoc protocol security properties are often unknown and difficult …
operation. Unfortunately, ad hoc protocol security properties are often unknown and difficult …
Short paper: PEPSI---privacy-enhanced participatory sensing infrastructure
Participatory Sensing combines the ubiquity of mobile phones with the sensing capabilities
of Wireless Sensor Networks. It targets the pervasive collection of information, eg …
of Wireless Sensor Networks. It targets the pervasive collection of information, eg …
Survey of secure routing protocols for wireless ad hoc networks
M Boulaiche - Wireless Personal Communications, 2020 - Springer
The diverse network technologies and low-end wireless technologies have enabled the
deployment of self-organized wireless ad hoc networks. Nodes forming such networks have …
deployment of self-organized wireless ad hoc networks. Nodes forming such networks have …
Security issues in mobile ad hoc network
N Islam, ZA Shaikh - Wireless Networks and Security: Issues, Challenges …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are infrastructure-less networks characterized by
lack of prior configuration and the hostile environments. Their unique properties make them …
lack of prior configuration and the hostile environments. Their unique properties make them …
Castor: Scalable secure routing for ad hoc networks
Wireless ad hoc networks are inherently vulnerable, as any node can disrupt the
communication of potentially any other node in the network. Many solutions to this problem …
communication of potentially any other node in the network. Many solutions to this problem …
Recent trends and benefits of remanufacturing: from closed loop businesses to synergetic networks
R Steinhilper - Proceedings second international symposium on …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
By presenting a global perspective of current technology trends and business plans of key
remanufacturing activities in various industries, this contribution identifies remanufacturing …
remanufacturing activities in various industries, this contribution identifies remanufacturing …