The broken zig-zag: late Cenozoic large mammal and tortoise extintion in South America

EP Tonni, AL Cione, LH Soibelzon - Revista del Museo …, 2003 -
During the latest Pleistocene-earliest Holocene, South American terrestrial vertebrate
faunas suffered one of the largest (and probably the youngest) extinction in the world for this …

Did humans cause the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene mammalian extinctions in South America in a context of shrinking open areas?

AL Cione, EP Tonni, L Soibelzon - … megafaunal extinctions at the end of …, 2009 - Springer
The last important–and possibly the most spectacular–turnover in South American mammal
history occurred around the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, when 100% of megamam mal …

Megafauna extinction in South America: A new chronology for the Argentine Pampas

JL Prado, C Martinez-Maza, MT Alberdi - Palaeogeography …, 2015 - Elsevier
The megafauna extinction in South America was one of the most profound events, with the
loss of 50 genera (~ 83%). Three orders disappeared (Notoungulata, Proboscidea …

[PDF][PDF] Despiece de microroedores en el Holoceno Tardío de las Sierras de Tandilia (Argentina)

CA Quintana - Archaeofauna, 2005 -
1823 restos de los cávidos silvestres Cavia aperea y Galea tixiensis han sido analizados en
los yacimientos del Holoceno tardío (ca. 1000 AP) de las cuevas Tixi y El Abra en las sierras …

Roedores y lagartos como emergentes de la diversificación de la subsistencia durante el Holoceno tardío en sierras de la región Pampeana Argentina

CA Quintana, F Valverde, DL Mazzanti - Latin American Antiquity, 2002 -
Se describe el registro del lagarto Tupinambis cf. merianae y de los roedores Caviidae
“cuises”(Cavia aperea y Galea tixiensis) provenientes de los sitios arqueológicos Cueva Tixi …

Mammals in last 30 to 7 ka interval (late Pleistocene-early Holocene) in southern Uruguay (Santa Lucía River basin): last occurrences, climate, and biogeography

M Ubilla, A Rinderknecht, A Corona… - Journal of Mammalian …, 2018 - Springer
Fossiliferous Quaternary sedimentary beds in the Santa Lucía Basin (southern Uruguay) are
potentially useful for the study of the last occurrences of extinct taxa, as well as the …

Interactions between humans and endemic canids in Holocene South America

PW Stahl - Journal of Ethnobiology, 2012 -
Humans inhabiting South America during early portions of the Holocene variably interacted
with native foxes (Family Canidae) in different parts of the continent at a time when there is …

The mutual ecogeographical range and paleoclimatic reconstruction during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene in the Pampas (Argentina) using meso and …

JA Cruz, JL Prado, J Arroyo-Cabrales - The Holocene, 2021 -
The Pampas of Argentina is a large grassland ecosystem located in the oriental region
southern of South America. As a study case, we present the results of the paleoclimatic …

Géoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine). Révision historique, stratigraphique et taphonomique …

MJ Toledo - 2009 -
Entre 1873 et 1884, Florentino Ameghino consacre tous ses efforts à documenter et prouver
la coexistence des hommes et de la mégafaune pampéenne dans la valle de Luján. Il …

'Fish-tail'projectile points and megamammals: New evidence from Paso Otero 5 (Argentina)

GA Martínez - Antiquity, 2001 -
The Paso Otero 5 site is located in the middle basin of the Quequén Grande river (Buenos
Aires Province, Argentina). This site is the first recorded Pleistocene-Holocene …