[書籍][B] Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity: A global geometric and probabilistic perspective
In broad terms, the goal of dynamics is to describe the long-term evolution of systems for
which an" infinitesimal" evolution rule, such as a differential equation or the iteration of a …
which an" infinitesimal" evolution rule, such as a differential equation or the iteration of a …
Mathematical theory of Lyapunov exponents
LS Young - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper reviews some basic mathematical results on Lyapunov exponents, one of the
most fundamental concepts in dynamical systems. The first few sections contain some very …
most fundamental concepts in dynamical systems. The first few sections contain some very …
The Batchelor spectrum of passive scalar turbulence in stochastic fluid mechanics at fixed Reynolds number
In 1959 Batchelor predicted that the stationary statistics of passive scalars advected in fluids
with small diffusivity k should display a power spectrum along an inertial range contained in …
with small diffusivity k should display a power spectrum along an inertial range contained in …
Almost-sure exponential mixing of passive scalars by the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations
We deduce almost-sure exponentially fast mixing of passive scalars advected by solutions of
the stochastically-forced 2D Navier–Stokes equations and 3D hyper-viscous Navier–Stokes …
the stochastically-forced 2D Navier–Stokes equations and 3D hyper-viscous Navier–Stokes …
The anti-integrable limit
SV Bolotin, DV Treschev - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
The anti-integrable limit is one of the convenient and relatively simple methods for the
construction of chaotic hyperbolic invariant sets in Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and other …
construction of chaotic hyperbolic invariant sets in Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and other …
On dynamical properties of multidimensional diffeomorphisms from Newhouse regions: I
The phenomenon of the generic coexistence of infinitely many periodic orbits with different
numbers of positive Lyapunov exponents is analysed. Bifurcations of periodic orbits near a …
numbers of positive Lyapunov exponents is analysed. Bifurcations of periodic orbits near a …
Accelerating and rotating black holes
JB Griffiths, J Podolský - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
An exact solution of Einstein's equations which represents a pair of accelerating and rotating
black holes (a generalized form of the spinning C-metric) is presented. The starting point is a …
black holes (a generalized form of the spinning C-metric) is presented. The starting point is a …
Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in conservative and dissipative two-dimensional maps
We show that maps with homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders and, as a
consequence, with arbitrarily degenerate periodic orbits are dense in the Newhouse regions …
consequence, with arbitrarily degenerate periodic orbits are dense in the Newhouse regions …
Numerical aspects of eigenvalue and eigenfunction computations for chaotic quantum systems
A Bäcker - The mathematical aspects of quantum maps, 2003 - Springer
We give an introduction to some of the numerical aspects in quantum chaos. The classical
dynamics of two-dimensional area-preserving maps on the torus is illustrated using the …
dynamics of two-dimensional area-preserving maps on the torus is illustrated using the …