Revisiting point cloud classification: A new benchmark dataset and classification model on real-world data
Deep learning techniques for point cloud data have demonstrated great potentials in solving
classical problems in 3D computer vision such as 3D object classification and segmentation …
classical problems in 3D computer vision such as 3D object classification and segmentation …
Hypersim: A photorealistic synthetic dataset for holistic indoor scene understanding
For many fundamental scene understanding tasks, it is difficult or impossible to obtain per-
pixel ground truth labels from real images. We address this challenge by introducing …
pixel ground truth labels from real images. We address this challenge by introducing …
3d scene graph: A structure for unified semantics, 3d space, and camera
A comprehensive semantic understanding of a scene is important for many applications-but
in what space should diverse semantic information (eg, objects, scene categories, material …
in what space should diverse semantic information (eg, objects, scene categories, material …
Scannet: Richly-annotated 3d reconstructions of indoor scenes
A key requirement for leveraging supervised deep learning methods is the availability of
large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in the context of RGB-D scene understanding, very …
large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in the context of RGB-D scene understanding, very …
Pointwise convolutional neural networks
Deep learning with 3D data such as reconstructed point clouds and CAD models has
received great research interests recently. However, the capability of using point clouds with …
received great research interests recently. However, the capability of using point clouds with …
Scenenn: A scene meshes dataset with annotations
Several RGB-D datasets have been publicized over the past few years for facilitating
research in computer vision and robotics. However, the lack of comprehensive and fine …
research in computer vision and robotics. However, the lack of comprehensive and fine …
6D DBSCAN-based segmentation of building point clouds for planar object classification
Due to constraints in manufacturing and construction, buildings and many of the manmade
objects within them are often rectangular and composed of planar parts. Detection and …
objects within them are often rectangular and composed of planar parts. Detection and …
Supervoxel convolution for online 3D semantic segmentation
Online 3D semantic segmentation, which aims to perform real-time 3D scene reconstruction
along with semantic segmentation, is an important but challenging topic. A key challenge is …
along with semantic segmentation, is an important but challenging topic. A key challenge is …
ilabel: Revealing objects in neural fields
A neural field trained with self-supervision to efficiently represent the geometry and colour of
a 3D scene tends to automatically decompose it into coherent and accurate object-like …
a 3D scene tends to automatically decompose it into coherent and accurate object-like …
Buildingnet: Learning to label 3d buildings
We introduce BuildingNet:(a) a large-scale dataset of 3D building models whose exteriors
are consistently labeled, and (b) a graph neural network that labels building meshes by …
are consistently labeled, and (b) a graph neural network that labels building meshes by …