A review of quantitative genetic components of fitness in salmonids: implications for adaptation to future change
SM Carlson, TR Seamons - Evolutionary Applications, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Salmonine fishes are commonly subjected to strong, novel selective pressures due to
anthropogenic activities and global climate change, often resulting in population extinction …
anthropogenic activities and global climate change, often resulting in population extinction …
Fish gonadogenesis. Part I: genetic and environmental mechanisms of sex determination
Many species of fish produced in aquaculture or for the ornamental fish trade exhibit sexual
dimorphism in growth, age at maturity, secondary sexual characters, or other traits of …
dimorphism in growth, age at maturity, secondary sexual characters, or other traits of …
An immune-related gene evolved into the master sex-determining gene in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
A Yano, R Guyomard, B Nicol, E Jouanno, E Quillet… - Current Biology, 2012 - cell.com
Since the discovery of Sry in mammals [1, 2], few other master sex-determining genes have
been identified in vertebrates [3–7]. To date, all of these genes have been characterized as …
been identified in vertebrates [3–7]. To date, all of these genes have been characterized as …
Development and validation of a high density SNP genoty** array for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Background Dense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genoty** arrays provide
extensive information on polymorphic variation across the genome of species of interest …
extensive information on polymorphic variation across the genome of species of interest …
A dense SNP-based linkage map for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reveals extended chromosome homeologies and striking differences in sex-specific recombination …
Abstract Background The Atlantic salmon genome is in the process of returning to a diploid
state after undergoing a whole genome duplication (WGD) event between 25 and100 million …
state after undergoing a whole genome duplication (WGD) event between 25 and100 million …
Major Quantitative Trait Loci Affect Resistance to Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a viral disease currently presenting a major problem
in the production of Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar). IPN can cause significant mortality to …
in the production of Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar). IPN can cause significant mortality to …
A conserved haplotype controls parallel adaptation in geographically distant salmonid populations
MR Miller, JP Brunelli, PA Wheeler, S Liu… - Molecular …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Salmonid fishes exhibit extensive local adaptations owing to abundant environmental
variation and precise natal homing. This extensive local adaptation makes conservation and …
variation and precise natal homing. This extensive local adaptation makes conservation and …
Governing sex determination in fish: regulatory putsches and ephemeral dictators
JN Volff, I Nanda, M Schmid, M Schartl - Sexual Development, 2007 - karger.com
In contrast to the rather stable regulatory regimes established over more that 100 million
years in birds and mammals, sex determination in fish might frequently undergo evolutionary …
years in birds and mammals, sex determination in fish might frequently undergo evolutionary …
Genome-wide estimates of genetic diversity, inbreeding and effective size of experimental and commercial rainbow trout lines undergoing selective breeding
Background Selective breeding is a relatively recent practice in aquaculture species
compared to terrestrial livestock. Nevertheless, the genetic variability of farmed salmonid …
compared to terrestrial livestock. Nevertheless, the genetic variability of farmed salmonid …
Linkage maps of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) genome derived from RAD sequencing
Background Genetic linkage maps are useful tools for map** quantitative trait loci (QTL)
influencing variation in traits of interest in a population. Genoty**-by-sequencing …
influencing variation in traits of interest in a population. Genoty**-by-sequencing …