Responsiveness in interracial interactions

JN Shelton, KM Turetsky, Y Park - Current opinion in psychology, 2023 - Elsevier
Perceived responsiveness—feeling understood, validated, and cared for—is critical for
wellbeing and successful relationships, yet these feelings are experienced less frequently in …

Perceiving ingroup and outgroup faces within and across nations

K Kawakami, JP Friesen, X Fang - British Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The human face is arguably the most important of all social stimuli because it provides so
much valuable information about others. Therefore, one critical factor for successful social …

Racialized emotion recognition accuracy and anger bias of children's faces.

AG Halberstadt, AN Cooke, PW Garner, SA Hughes… - Emotion, 2022 -
Research suggests that individuals are racially biased when judging the emotions of others
(Elfenbein & Ambady, 2002) and particularly regarding attributions about the emotion of …

Understanding cognitive and affective mechanisms in social psychology through eye-tracking

RM Rahal, S Fiedler - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2019 - Elsevier
Social psychological research is increasingly interested in the cognitive and affective
processes underlying human behavior in social environments. To match this emerging …

How racism “gets under the skin”: An examination of the physical-and mental-health costs of culturally compelled co**

BN Brownlow - Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2023 -
Historically and contemporarily, Black Americans have been compelled to use effortful
co** styles characterized by high behavioral and emotional restraint in the face of …

Seeing no pain: Assessing the generalizability of racial bias in pain perception.

P Mende-Siedlecki, J Lin, S Ferron, C Gibbons, A Drain… - Emotion, 2021 -
Racial disparities in pain care may stem, in part, from perceptual roots. It remains
unresolved, however, whether this perceptual gap is driven by general deficits in intergroup …

Impact of Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles on perceived trustworthiness of Black and White faces: A Black perspective.

K Kawakami, C Meyers, JP Friesen - Journal of Experimental …, 2024 -
In five experiments, we investigated how Black participants perceive Duchenne and non-
Duchenne smiles on Black and White targets. Results consistently demonstrated that when …

Intergroup time bias and aversive racism in the medical context.

EA Do Bú, F Madeira, CR Pereira… - Journal of Personality …, 2024 -
Time is fundamental to organizing all aspects of human life. When invested in relationships,
it has a psychological meaning as it indicates how much individuals value others and their …

Nonlinear relationships between eye gaze and recognition accuracy for ethnic ingroup and outgroup faces.

J Correll, J Quarenta, TA Palma, B Singh… - Journal of Personality …, 2024 -
Researchers have used eye-tracking measures to explore the relationship between face
encoding and recognition, including the impact of ethnicity on this relationship. Previous …

Race deficits in pain detection: Medical providers and laypeople fail to accurately perceive pain authenticity among black people

EP Lloyd, AR Lloyd, AR McConnell… - Social Psychological …, 2022 -
Across six studies (N= 904), we suggest a novel mechanism for race disparities in pain
treatment: Perceiver deficits in discriminating real from fake pain for Black (relative to White) …