Kee** race at the center of school discipline practices and trauma-informed care: An interprofessional framework
Given the unique forms of trauma that some Black and Brown youths are exposed to, and
the salience of race and racial bias in discipline decision making, this article proposes that …
the salience of race and racial bias in discipline decision making, this article proposes that …
[KNYGA][B] Compulsory: Education and the dispossession of youth in a prison school
SE Vaught - 2017 - books.google.com
“This is an American story, unsettled by contradictions, constituted by unresolvable loss and
open-ended hope, produced through brutal exclusivities and persistent insurgencies. This is …
open-ended hope, produced through brutal exclusivities and persistent insurgencies. This is …
Race, residential segregation, and the death of democracy: Education and myth of postracialism
LL Martin, KJ Varner - Democracy and Education, 2017 - democracyeducationjournal.org
Since the 1930s, federal housing policies and individual practices increased the spatial
separation of whites and blacks. Practices such as redlining, restrictive covenants, and …
separation of whites and blacks. Practices such as redlining, restrictive covenants, and …
Contextualizing school discipline: Examining the role of general peer and teacher discrimination at the individual‐and school‐level on individual suspension
Past research has linked peer and teacher discrimination to risk factors for school discipline,
but few studies have examined whether peer and teacher discrimination have a direct …
but few studies have examined whether peer and teacher discrimination have a direct …
[KNYGA][B] Routledge handbook of gender and feminist geographies
Names: Datta, Anindita, 1968-editor. Title: Routledge handbook of gender and feminist
geographies/edited by Anindita Datta,[and four others]. Description: Milton Park, Abingdon …
geographies/edited by Anindita Datta,[and four others]. Description: Milton Park, Abingdon …
'Caution, we have power': Resisting the 'school-to-sweatshop pipeline'through participatory artistic praxes and critical care
C Cahill, D Alberto Quijada Cerecer… - Gender and …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
How might participatory creative praxes make visible a politics of critical care and new
imaginaries for resisting the 'school-to-sweatshop pipeline'? Drawing upon arts-based …
imaginaries for resisting the 'school-to-sweatshop pipeline'? Drawing upon arts-based …
Beyond the discipline gap: the role of spectacular state violence in the discipline and punishment of Black and Indigenous children in US public schools
B Markoff - Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Education research frequently measures and calls for an end to racial disparities in rates of
US school discipline practices such as office referrals, suspension, and expulsion. This …
US school discipline practices such as office referrals, suspension, and expulsion. This …
The contribution of school and classroom disciplinary practices to the school-to-prison pipeline
This chapter examines the policies, processes, and practices contributing to the school-to-
prison pipeline. We address the racialized classroom interactions that are a key part of the …
prison pipeline. We address the racialized classroom interactions that are a key part of the …
[KNYGA][B] Setting relations right in restorative practice: Broadening mindsets and skill sets
DB Moore, A Vernon - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Setting Relations Right in Restorative Practice is a practical guide to using restorative
processes, both in justice systems, to provide a healing response to harm, and in broader …
processes, both in justice systems, to provide a healing response to harm, and in broader …
Not staying in their place: An historic analysis of mechanisms of controlling movement of Black men in America through the lenses of social identity and gender
MH Davis, AB Friedman - Journal of Black Studies, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Since the arrival of enslaved Africans to the British colony of Virginia in the early 17th
century, the spaces of Black men have been policed. Templates characterizing Black males …
century, the spaces of Black men have been policed. Templates characterizing Black males …