Considerations for large building water quality after extended stagnation
The unprecedented number of building closures related to the coronavirus disease (COVID‐
19) pandemic is concerning because water stagnation will occur in many buildings that do …
19) pandemic is concerning because water stagnation will occur in many buildings that do …
[HTML][HTML] Critical Review: Propensity of Premise Plumbing Pipe Materials to Enhance or Diminish Growth of Legionella and Other Opportunistic Pathogens
Growth of Legionella pneumophila and other opportunistic pathogens (OPs) in drinking
water premise plumbing poses an increasing public health concern. Premise plumbing is …
water premise plumbing poses an increasing public health concern. Premise plumbing is …
A critical review on the factors that influence opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens: from building entry to fixtures in residences
Residential buildings provide unique conditions for opportunistic premise plumbing
pathogen (OPPP) exposure via aerosolized water droplets produced by showerheads …
pathogen (OPPP) exposure via aerosolized water droplets produced by showerheads …
[HTML][HTML] Causes, factors, and control measures of opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens—a critical review
E Leslie, J Hinds, FI Hai - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
Featured Application This critical review is highly timely and the need of the hour, given the
prolonged and unwanted building closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Extended water …
prolonged and unwanted building closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Extended water …
[HTML][HTML] Tenets of a holistic approach to drinking water-associated pathogen research, management, and communication
In recent years, drinking water-associated pathogens that can cause infections in
immunocompromised or otherwise susceptible individuals (henceforth referred to as DWPI) …
immunocompromised or otherwise susceptible individuals (henceforth referred to as DWPI) …
Gradual recovery of building plumbing-associated microbial communities after extended periods of altered water demand during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 pandemic-related building restrictions heightened drinking water microbiological
safety concerns post-reopening due to the unprecedented nature of commercial building …
safety concerns post-reopening due to the unprecedented nature of commercial building …
Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Framework Incorporating Water Ages with Legionella pneumophila Growth Rates
Water age in drinking water systems is often used as a proxy for water quality but is rarely
used as a direct input in assessing microbial risk. This study directly linked water ages in a …
used as a direct input in assessing microbial risk. This study directly linked water ages in a …
Legionella pneumophila occurrence in reduced-occupancy buildings in 11 cities during the COVID-19 pandemic
In spring 2020, numerous buildings were closed or operated at reduced occupancies to
slow the spread of COVID-19. An unintended consequence of these social distancing …
slow the spread of COVID-19. An unintended consequence of these social distancing …
Assessing the Impact of Stochastic Demands and Fixture Purging on Free Chlorine Residuals in Premise Plumbing Systems
In this study, we used modeling with stochastic demands to assess free chlorine
concentrations in premise plumbing systems. Different occupancy scenarios and the use of …
concentrations in premise plumbing systems. Different occupancy scenarios and the use of …
Knowledge gaps and risks associated with premise plumbing drinking water quality
Sustainability, water conservation, water efficiency, and green infrastructure have led to
significant decreases in the quantity of water used in buildings. In addition, changes in water …
significant decreases in the quantity of water used in buildings. In addition, changes in water …