[КНИГА][B] International human rights: A comprehensive introduction

M Haas - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to international human rights--
international human rights law, why international human rights have increasingly risen to …

Profiting from sanctions: Economic coercion and US foreign direct investment in third-party states

CM Barry, KB Kleinberg - International Organization, 2015 - cambridge.org
Scholarship on the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) flows has produced
valuable insights into the role of host state characteristics and home-host relations. This …

[КНИГА][B] Economic statecraft and foreign policy: Sanctions, incentives, and target state calculations

JMF Blanchard, NM Ripsman - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book develops a unified theory of economic statecraft to clarify when and how sanctions
and incentives can be used effectively to secure meaningful policy concessions. High-profile …

The Iranian economy in the twentieth century: A global perspective

HS Esfahani, MH Pesaran - Iranian Studies, 2009 - cambridge.org
This paper examines the transformation of the Iranian economy through the twentieth
century within a global context. At the start of that century, the Iranian economy had long …

The self-limiting success of Iran sanctions

R Takeyh, S Maloney - International Affairs, 2011 - academic.oup.com
Economic sanctions have often been considered an important tool for disciplining
adversaries and compelling them to offer important concessions. History, however, suggests …

[КНИГА][B] American images of China: identity, power, policy

O Turner - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
The United States and China are arguably the most globally consequential actors of the
early twenty first century, and look set to remain so into the foreseeable future. This volume …

[КНИГА][B] Punishment, justice and international relations: ethics and order after the Cold War

AF Lang Jr - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
This book examines the international political order in the post-Cold War era, arguing that
this order has become progressively more punitive. This is seen as resulting from both a …

US E conomic S anctions A gainst I ran: U ndermined by E xternal F actors.

NA Kozhanov - Middle East Policy, 2011 - search.ebscohost.com
The article discusses the US economic sanctions against Iran. It explores the history of the
economic sanctions mentioning that the first implementation of the measures by a country …

The Russian Oil ban: Reassessment of the effectiveness of sanctions

K Fouad - European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 2024 - Springer
This paper examines the effectiveness of the sanctions imposed by the European Union and
the G7 on Russian oil and their impact on the Russian economy and the developments of …

Sanction experience and sanction behavior: an analysis of Chinese perception and behavior on economic sanctions

T Zhao - Contemporary Politics, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
This paper seeks to explore the interrelationship between a country's sanction experience,
perception, and behavior. The analysis focuses on the case of China, which is one of very …