[PDF][PDF] Moving beyond recovery and reconstruction: imagining extreme event preparedness through performing arts
This chapter begins by examining the importance of resilience in response to extreme
weather events, before considering the role of performing arts projects in dealing with the …
weather events, before considering the role of performing arts projects in dealing with the …
[HTML][HTML] Организационная культура в фокусе совершенствования управления риском на предприятии
РМ Качалов, ЮА Слепцова - Проблемы анализа риска, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Рассматриваются проявления феномена экономического риска в социально-
экономических экосистемах предприятий производственной сферы, исследуются и …
экономических экосистемах предприятий производственной сферы, исследуются и …
A Republic of Learning: Making for Times of Uncertainty
R Jacobs, G Lane - Leonardo, 2024 - direct.mit.edu
Abstract Republic of Learning (RoL) was an experimental program bringing people together
to learn about resilience in times of planetary health crisis, environmental change, and …
to learn about resilience in times of planetary health crisis, environmental change, and …
The persistence of plastic: Environmental public art and micro-plastic pollution
R Glade-Wright - PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, 2020 - search.informit.org
Microplastics are ubiquitous environmental contaminants that cause harm to the health and
reproductive capacity of living creatures. As humans are the sole source of plastic …
reproductive capacity of living creatures. As humans are the sole source of plastic …
ГБ Клейнер, ВД Маркова - 2024 - researchgate.net
В ближайшем будущем может сложиться ситуация нарушения баланса системных
ресурсов общества, например, вследствие недостаточно эффективного …
ресурсов общества, например, вследствие недостаточно эффективного …
Images, Theater, Embodied Experiences: How Ecoartists Are Shifting Consciousness around the Climate Crisis
CH Veloric - 2022 - search.proquest.com
This thesis is a critical study of how the artists Edward Burtynsky, Michael Pinsky, Justin
Brice, and the collaborative artistic team of Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, and Lina …
Brice, and the collaborative artistic team of Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, and Lina …
[HTML][HTML] Perspectives on creative arts in higher education
JW DAVIDSON, S WOODLAND - creativematters.edu.au
investigates the potential use of opera for enabling sharing and recovery from extreme …
investigates the potential use of opera for enabling sharing and recovery from extreme …
Improvement Of The Conceptual Apparatus Of Science And Culture Risk Management
R Kachalov, Y Sleptsova - European Proceedings of Social … - europeanproceedings.com
Research objectives are to distinguish the pragmatic and cultural aspects of the concepts of"
risk management" and" risk level control". Design/methodology/approach–The paper builds …
risk management" and" risk level control". Design/methodology/approach–The paper builds …
Ethical Component Of Anti-Risk Managerial Impacts During Crisis
R Kachalov, Y Sleptsova… - … Proceedings of Social …, 2020 - europeanproceedings.com
The research topic's relevance is that today civilization makes an ethical choice in favor of
human lives and not in favor of the economy. This experience is likely to affect further …
human lives and not in favor of the economy. This experience is likely to affect further …