Submergence stress in rice: Adaptive mechanisms, co** strategies and future research needs

A Kumar, AK Nayak, PS Hanjagi, K Kumari… - Environmental and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Rice is a crop of primary importance in regions, where two-thirds of the world's starving
population reside. Recent climate change projections anticipate spatial shift in precipitation …

Direct seeded rice: research strategies and opportunities for water and weed management

R Kumar, N Kumawat, S Kumar, R Kumar… - … Journal on Rice, 2016 -
Anticipated water crisis, traditional rice cultivation having standing water for most of the
growth stages and mounting labour shortage necessitates the search for alternative water …

Modeling soil organic carbon dynamics under shifting cultivation and forests using Rothc model

G Mishra, A Jangir, R Francaviglia - Ecological Modelling, 2019 - Elsevier
Shifting cultivation (jhum) and forest land are the main land uses in North Eastern region of
Indian Himalaya, but in the long term this form of agriculture is not acceptable due to the soil …

[PDF][PDF] Crop diversification for enhancing the productivity for food and nutritional security under the Eastern Himalayas

M Kumar, R Kumar, KL Rangnamei, A Das… - Indian Journal of …, 2019 -
Monocrop**, low productivity, energy–use efficiency and net returns are some of the major
factors that contribute to unsustainable agriculture production system in the Eastern …

Understanding the AM fungal association in flooded rice under elevated CO2 condition

S Sahoo, P Panneerselvam… - … Journal on Rice, 2017 -
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) exhibit multifunctional mutualistic symbiosis with plants.
The beneficial effect of AMF has been exploited for most of the crop plants but its role in …

Morphological and molecular characterization of Magnaporthe oryzae from Chhattisgarh

G Panda, C Sahu, MK Yadav, S Aravindan… - Oryza, 2017 -
Rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, is one of the most devastating
diseases of rice (Oryza sativa L.), causing tremendous yield loss worldwide. In the present …

Rice breeding strategies of North Eastern India for resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses: a review

S Kumar, EL Devi, SK Sharma… - … Journal on Rice, 2017 -
In north eastern region, rice is grown in diverse agro-climatic conditions viz., upland, jhum,
terraces, lowland and deep water. The region is considered to be a hot spot for rice diversity …

Effect of customised leaf colour chart (CLCC) based real time N management on agronomic attributes and protein content of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

PP Kumar, T Abraham, SSC Pattanaik… - … Journal on Rice, 2018 -
We conducted a field experiment at the Crop Research Farm, SHIATS, Allahabad (UP)
during the kharif season of 2015 to evaluate the effect of customised leaf colour chart …

Productivity and profitability of rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes as influenced by crop management practices under middle Indo-Gangetic Plains

S Kumar, R Kumar, JS Mishra, SK Dwivedi… - Indian Journal of …, 2018 -
A field experiment was carried out during the wet seasons of 2012 and 2013 at Patna, Bihar,
to evaluate the performance of 7 promising rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes under 2 crop …

Effect of weed management practices on yield and yield attributes of wet direct seeded rice under lowland ecosystem of Assam

BS Satapathy, B Duary, S Saha… - … Journal on Rice, 2017 -
Field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Farm of the Regional Rainfed Lowland Rice
Research Institute, Gerua, Assam during early ahu (summer) season of 2015 and 2016 to …