A critical review on physical vapor deposition coatings applied on different engine components
Friction and wear in different engine components have crucial effects on the engine
performance, combustion efficiency, oil consumption and lifetime of the internal combustion …
performance, combustion efficiency, oil consumption and lifetime of the internal combustion …
Impact wear and abrasion resistance of CrN, AlCrN and AlTiN PVD coatings
The properties of CrN, AlCrN and AlTiN coatings deposited on cemented carbide substrates
by a multiple-arc Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) technique were evaluated by cyclic …
by a multiple-arc Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) technique were evaluated by cyclic …
A review on micro-and nanoscratching/tribology at high temperatures: instrumentation and experimentation
High-temperature micro-/nanomechanics has attracted much interest over the last decade,
primarily because of the urgent need to understand the mechanical and tribological …
primarily because of the urgent need to understand the mechanical and tribological …
PEO-Chameleon as a potential protective coating on cast aluminum alloys for high-temperature applications
Hybrid dual-phase coatings composed of an A356 aluminum alloy modified by plasma
electrolytic oxidation (PEO) and burnished with graphite-MoS 2-Sb 2 O 3 chameleon solid …
electrolytic oxidation (PEO) and burnished with graphite-MoS 2-Sb 2 O 3 chameleon solid …
Influence of the process temperature on the steel microstructure and hardening in pulsed plasma nitriding
In this paper we report the influence of temperature (260 to 510° C) on the AISI H13 steel
microstructure and hardness in pulsed plasma nitriding processes. The experimental results …
microstructure and hardness in pulsed plasma nitriding processes. The experimental results …
Micro-impact testing of AlTiN and TiAlCrN coatings
A novel micro-scale repetitive impact test has been developed to assess the fracture
resistance of hard coatings under dynamic high strain rate loading. It is capable of …
resistance of hard coatings under dynamic high strain rate loading. It is capable of …
[HTML][HTML] A sustainable deposition method for diamond-like nanocomposite coatings–Insights into the evolution of atomic structure and properties
Silicon and oxygen-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon (aC: H: Si: O), typically termed
as diamond-like nanocomposite (DLN), is amongst the most widely adapted coating …
as diamond-like nanocomposite (DLN), is amongst the most widely adapted coating …
Influence of mechanical properties on the nanoscratch behaviour of hard nanocomposite TiN/Si3N4 coatings on Si
A dual ion beam system has been used to produce hard nanocomposite TiN/Si 3 N 4
coatings on silicon substrate. Mechanical properties have been determined by …
coatings on silicon substrate. Mechanical properties have been determined by …
A study on the tribological characteristics of duplex-treated Ti–6Al–4V alloy under oil-lubricated sliding conditions
The tribological characteristics of the polished, dimpled and over-coated dimpled specimens
were investigated. Dimples were produced on a Ti–6Al–4V alloy specimen using a laser …
were investigated. Dimples were produced on a Ti–6Al–4V alloy specimen using a laser …
Brazilian Tribology: origin, status quo and future perspectives
This first regional issue published in STMP highlights the potential and importance of the
research carried out in Latin America regarding surface engineering and tribology. In order …
research carried out in Latin America regarding surface engineering and tribology. In order …