Hybrid ResNet-ViT Model for Lung Cancer Classification from Histopathology Images

NF Noaman, A Al Smadi, BM Kanber… - … Arab Conference on …, 2024‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Lung cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths globally. This study
proposes a hybrid deep learning model that classifies lung cancer from histopathological …

[PDF][PDF] Prediction of Premature Retinopathy Fundus Images Using Dense Network Model for Intelligent Portable Screening Device

BA Devi, S Jaganathan, PK Shah, N Venkatapathy‏ - jowua.com
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a serious retinal condition that affects preterm babies
and, if ignored, can result in irreversible blindness. The challenges are related to variability …

[PDF][PDF] Public Health Monitoring System In COVID-19 Conditions Using Machine Learning-Based Sentimental Analysis

AM Haval, M Afzal‏ - core.ac.uk
Twitter is a significant forum for individuals to discuss and disseminate health-related data.
The system offers substantial data for immediate monitoring of contagious diseases (such as …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Service Distinction on Durable Competitive Advantage: An Investigation in Private Hospital Outpatient Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic

MW Lestari, A Sriatmi, A Surjoputro‏ - core.ac.uk
The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled hospitals to sustain their competitive edge in
delivering healthcare services, with service differentiation being a key factor in maintaining …

[PDF][PDF] Design of COVID-19 Disease Detection Framework for Medical Health Care System

KK Yadav, DV Jaikumar‏ - core.ac.uk
Due to practical challenges in data collecting and the efficacy of testing methods, the
recognition and diagnosis of COVID-19 using traditional image processing and ML …

[PDF][PDF] Analytics of the Cost Effectiveness and Real-Time Health Risk Assessments for Pharmacy-Based Preventive Health Services

C Sawlani, P Sharma‏ - core.ac.uk
More patient-centered care and participation in managing chronic illnesses are features of
the modern pharmacist's task, which has evolved substantially in recent years. Still, the issue …