Impact evaluation of development plans in the Egyptian harbors on morphological changes using numerical simulation (case study: Damietta harbor, northeastern …
The Egyptian government is grappling with the challenge of sedimentation in Damietta
Harbor (DH), leading to expensive and recurring dredging operations for safe vessel …
Harbor (DH), leading to expensive and recurring dredging operations for safe vessel …
Examining hydro-morphological modulations in proximity to a drain's estuarine outlet, case study: Kitchener Drain, Northern Coast of Egypt
In recent years, the Kitchener Drain has been affected by littoral erosion and sedimentation
at the estuary where its discharge enters the Mediterranean Sea. Several measures have …
at the estuary where its discharge enters the Mediterranean Sea. Several measures have …
[PDF][PDF] Geospatial Time Series Analysis for Coastal Systems: AI-Powered NARX Neural Networks Integrating Remote Sensing for Advanced Shoreline Change …
Accurate shoreline prediction models are crucial for coastal management under increasing
climate change pressures. This study presents an advanced approach combining Nonlinear …
climate change pressures. This study presents an advanced approach combining Nonlinear …
Cambios en el uso del suelo costero y sus efectos sobre los ambientes de barrera del municipio de Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PA Garzo - 2024 -
Las barreras costeras son ambientes de especial relevancia para el desarrollo socio
económico a escala global. Esto promueve diversos cambios en el uso del suelo, con …
económico a escala global. Esto promueve diversos cambios en el uso del suelo, con …