Protist metabarcoding and environmental biomonitoring: time for change
High-throughput amplicon sequencing of environmental DNA and/or RNA proved to be a
powerful tool to describe protist diversity. This new approach called also the metabarcoding …
powerful tool to describe protist diversity. This new approach called also the metabarcoding …
Contrasting patterns of hydrological changes in Europe in response to Holocene climate cooling phases
M Magny, C Bégeot, J Guiot, O Peyron - quaternary science reviews, 2003 - Elsevier
The quantitative reconstruction of climatic parameters from pollen and lake-level data
obtained at Saint-Jorioz, Lake Annecy (eastern France), gives evidence for cooler and …
obtained at Saint-Jorioz, Lake Annecy (eastern France), gives evidence for cooler and …
[КНИГА][B] Reconstructing quaternary environments
This third edition of Reconstructing Quaternary Environments has been completely revised
and updated to provide a new account of the history and scale of environmental changes …
and updated to provide a new account of the history and scale of environmental changes …
[КНИГА][B] Peatlands and environmental change.
D Charman - 2002 -
This book is divided into four parts that look in turn at the nature of peatland classification
and terminology, hydrological and ecological processes and peatland growth, changes in …
and terminology, hydrological and ecological processes and peatland growth, changes in …
Testate amoebae analysis in ecological and paleoecological studies of wetlands: past, present and future
Testate amoebae are an abundant and diverse polyphyletic group of shelled protozoa living
in aquatic to moist habitats ranging from estuaries to lakes, rivers, wetlands, soils, litter, and …
in aquatic to moist habitats ranging from estuaries to lakes, rivers, wetlands, soils, litter, and …
Comparison of different methods to determine the degree of peat decomposition in peat bogs
Peat humification or decomposition is a frequently used proxy to extract past time changes in
hydrology and climate from peat bogs. During the past century several methods to determine …
hydrology and climate from peat bogs. During the past century several methods to determine …
[PDF][PDF] Preparation and analysis of testate amoebae in peatland palaeoenvironmental studies
The use of testate amoebae in studies of peatland hydrology and palaeohydrology has been
increasing, and considerable efforts have been made over the past decade to standardise …
increasing, and considerable efforts have been made over the past decade to standardise …
Development and refinement of proxy-climate indicators from peats
Peat, especially from acidic mires (bogs), is a natural archive of past environmental change.
Reconstructions of past climate from bogs commenced in the 19th Century through …
Reconstructions of past climate from bogs commenced in the 19th Century through …
Compilation of non-annually resolved Holocene proxy climate records: stacked Holocene peatland palaeo-water table reconstructions from northern Britain
The number and range of Holocene palaeoclimate reconstructions from various regions of
the world have increased dramatically over the last decade. The data density for many …
the world have increased dramatically over the last decade. The data density for many …
Molecular and isotopic stratigraphy in an ombrotrophic mire for paleoclimate reconstruction
A 40 cm deep Sphagnum-dominated peat monolith from Bolton Fell Moss in Northern
England was systematically investigated by lipid molecular stratigraphy and compound …
England was systematically investigated by lipid molecular stratigraphy and compound …