Conditional expectation of correspondences and economic applications

W He, Y Sun - Economic Theory, 2018 - Springer
We characterize the properties of convexity, compactness and preservation of upper
hemicontinuity for conditional expectation of correspondences via the condition of “nowhere …

Large strategic dynamic interactions

E Kalai, E Shmaya - Journal of Economic Theory, 2018 - Elsevier
The paper presents a model of large strategic dynamic interactions in an environment with
uncertain fundamentals. The interaction is among a large finite group of interdependent …

Performance pay, trade and inequality

G Pupato - Journal of Economic Theory, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper introduces moral hazard into a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous
firms to study wage inequality between homogeneous workers. Optimal performance pay …

The individualistic foundation of equilibrium distribution

X Sun, Y Sun, H Yu - Journal of Economic Theory, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a solution concept called the type-symmetric randomized equilibrium
(TSRE), where agents with the same type of characteristics take the same randomized …

On the equivalence of large individualized and distributionalized games

MA Khan, KP Rath, H Yu, Y Zhang - Theoretical Economics, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The theory of large one‐shot simultaneous‐play games with a biosocial typology has been
presented in both the individualized and distributionalized forms—large individualized …

Large distributional games with traits

MA Khan, KP Rath, H Yu, Y Zhang - Economics Letters, 2013 - Elsevier
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Strict Nash equilibria in non-atomic games with strict single crossing in players (or types) and actions

E Bilancini, L Boncinelli - Economic Theory Bulletin, 2016 - Springer
In this paper, we study games where the space of players (or types, if the game is one of
incomplete information) is atomless and payoff functions satisfy the property of strict single …

Existence of pure-strategy equilibria in Bayesian games: a sharpened necessity result

MA Khan, Y Zhang - International Journal of Game Theory, 2017 - Springer
In earlier work, the authors showed that a pure-strategy Bayesian-Nash equilibria in games
with uncountable action sets and atomless private information spaces may not exist if the …

Crowdconnect: A quality of experience enhancement solution for dense stadium networks

MS Bahbahani, E Alsusa - 2018 IEEE Global Communications …, 2018 -
In sports stadia and similar crowded venues, maintaining an acceptable network quality of
experience (QoE) becomes a difficult task. Currently, the problem is approached via small …

[HTML][HTML] Robust perfect equilibrium in large games

E Chen, L Qiao, X Sun, Y Sun - Journal of Economic Theory, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a new equilibrium concept “robust perfect equilibrium” for non-
cooperative games with a continuum of players, incorporating three types of perturbations …