[HTML][HTML] The ultra-processed food content of school meals and packed lunches in the United Kingdom
British children have the highest levels of ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption in
Europe. Schools are posited as a positive setting for impacting dietary intake, but the level of …
Europe. Schools are posited as a positive setting for impacting dietary intake, but the level of …
Unpacking the cost of the lunchbox for Australian families: a secondary analysis
Ninety per cent of Australian school children bring a home-packed lunch to school, with 44%
of the food consumed during school hours being unhealthy. Among other factors, cost is a …
of the food consumed during school hours being unhealthy. Among other factors, cost is a …
[HTML][HTML] The nutritional quality of food provision at UK government-funded holiday clubs: a Cross-sectional analysis of energy and nutrient content
A large proportion of children are at risk of food insecurity during school holidays in the UK.
The government-funded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme provides free holiday …
The government-funded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme provides free holiday …
Evaluating the impact of the universal infant free school meal policy on the ultra-processed food content of children's lunches in England and Scotland: a natural …
Abstract Background The Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) policy was introduced
in 2014/15 in England and Scotland for schoolchildren aged 4–7 years, leading to an …
in 2014/15 in England and Scotland for schoolchildren aged 4–7 years, leading to an …
The Generating Excellent Nutrition in UK Schools (GENIUS) network: working towards a more health-promoting food and nutrition system in UK schools
School food has a major influence on children's diet quality and has the potential to reduce
diet inequalities and non-communicable disease risk. Funded by the UK Prevention …
diet inequalities and non-communicable disease risk. Funded by the UK Prevention …
National school food standards in England: a cross-sectional study to explore compliance in secondary schools and impact on pupil nutritional intake
Background Many countries have introduced school food standards to improve the dietary
intakes of school-aged children. England has school food standards (SFS) legislation in …
intakes of school-aged children. England has school food standards (SFS) legislation in …
[PDF][PDF] A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for supporting physical activity and healthy nutrition with and through education …
L Eddy, E Bryant, A Daly-Smith, M Wood - 2024 - eprints.whiterose.ac.uk
Our children are becoming unhealthier and less active. Millions of young people in the UK
do not do the recommended average of 60-plus minutes of physical activity a day, and over …
do not do the recommended average of 60-plus minutes of physical activity a day, and over …
[HTML][HTML] Организация школьного питания в Республике Беларусь
Введение. Актуальность обеспечения полноценного питания детей школьного
возраста, значительный охват обучающихся питанием в учреждениях образования …
возраста, значительный охват обучающихся питанием в учреждениях образования …
Energy and nutrient content of school lunches provided for children attending school-based nurseries: a cross-sectional study
CJ Wall, J Pearce - Public Health Nutrition, 2023 - cambridge.org
Objective: To nutritionally analyse lunches provided for 3–4-year-old children attending
school nurseries. Energy and nutrient content are compared with nutrient frameworks …
school nurseries. Energy and nutrient content are compared with nutrient frameworks …
[HTML][HTML] “Not just students in need”: Findings from a nominal group technique study of what parents want in an Australian school-provided meal system
Objective Interest in national adoption of school-provided meals is growing across Australia;
however, parent perspectives are not well understood. This study aimed to understand the …
however, parent perspectives are not well understood. This study aimed to understand the …