[PDF][PDF] An alternative respiratory sounds classification system utilizing artificial neural networks

R Oweis, E Abdulhay, A Khayal, A Awad - Biomedical journal, 2015 -
Background: Computerized lung sound analysis involves recording lung sound via an
electronic device, followed by com‑puter analysis and classification based on specific signal …

Wireless ECG device with Arduino

H Güvenç - 2020 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electrocardiography is the process of recording heartbeat. The output is typically
represented as a scaled graphical Figure called Electrocardiogram (ECG). In this study, we …

Wearable health monitoring system and its applications

T Tanaka, K Sonoda, S Okochi, A Chan… - … on Emerging Trends …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A wearable health monitoring system and its applications for long term monitoring are
presented in this paper. The system, called a" button system," is attached over the chest for …

[PDF][PDF] İnternet Üzerinden Hasta Takibi Amaçlı PIC Mikrodenetleyici Tabanlı Kablosuz Pals-Oksimetre Ölçme Sistemi Tasarımı ve LabVIEW Uygulaması

Ö Eriş, H Korkmaz, K Toker, A Buldu - VII. Ulusal Tıp Bilişimi Kongresi …, 2010 - turkmia.net
Bu çalışmada bir hasta üzerinden kablosuz olarak algılanan üç adet yaşamsal işaret
izlenmektedir: Oksijen saturasyonu yüzdesi, Nabız ve vücut sıcaklığı. Nonin firması …

Wearable health monitoring system by using fuzzy logic heart-rate extraction

T Tanaka, T Fujita, K Sonoda, M Nii… - World Automation …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Continuous human monitoring is substantially useful to realize a high QoL (quality of life)
society. In the previous work, we fabricated a prototype system for monitoring an …

Detection, real time processing and monitoring of ECG signal with a wearable system

O Özkaraca, AH Işik, İ Güler - 2011 International Symposium on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this study, applications in the field of monitoring of Electrocardiography (ECG) by using
wearable system technologies are summarized and discussed. It is also explored a new …

Assessment of the Java-DSP (J-DSP) on-line laboratory software

A Spanias, KIU Ahmed… - … Annual Frontiers in …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents assessment results of the Java-DSP (J-DSP) on-line laboratory. J-DSP
software has been developed from the ground up at Arizona State University (ASU) to …

Ultra low power ASIC for RR interval extraction on wearable health monitoring system

T Fujita, T Tanaka, K Sonoda, K Kanda… - … on Systems, Man …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This study shows a development of an ultra low power application specific integrated circuit
(ASIC) that extracts RR intervals from electrocardiogram (ECG) data on a human monitoring …

Multi-purpose healthcare telemedicine system with ISM band communication link support

N Hamza, L Khriji, F Touati - International Journal of …, 2010 - inderscienceonline.com
Rapid advances in information technology and telecommunications, and more specifically
wireless and mobile communications are leading to the emergence of a new type of …

Kablosuz elektrokardiyogram

İŞ Yapıcı, R Uzun, B Işık - Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Hastanelerdeki mevcut elektrokardiyogram cihazlarında, hastalardan alınan sinyaller
kablolar vasıtasıyla monitöre aktarılmaktadır. Son yıllarda kablo bağlantılarının sebep …