Intercrop** with legume for agroecological crop** systems: Complementarity and facilitation processes and the importance of soil microorganisms. A review
O Duchene, JF Vian, F Celette - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017 - Elsevier
Intercrop** is a powerful way to promote a more diversified plant community in the field,
thereby enabling complementary and facilitative relationships. In these systems, legumes …
thereby enabling complementary and facilitative relationships. In these systems, legumes …
[HTML][HTML] Oilseeds in intercrop** systems: strategies to increase oil quality and fatty acid profile, a review
M Mirdoraghi, SM Farahani, A Rezazadeh - Journal of Agriculture and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The purpose of intercrop** is to promote positive biological interactions between plants.
The ecological principles that govern intercrop** can be relevant across various species …
The ecological principles that govern intercrop** can be relevant across various species …
Strip crop** increases yield and revenue: multi-year analysis of an organic system in the Netherlands
SD Juventia, DF van Apeldoorn - Frontiers in Sustainable Food …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Intercrop** is proposed as a promising strategy to meet future food demand while
reducing agriculture's environmental impact by re-diversifying agricultural fields. Strip …
reducing agriculture's environmental impact by re-diversifying agricultural fields. Strip …
Plantain productivity: Insights from Cameroonian crop** systems
Understanding the components of plantain productivity is important for contributing to the
food security challenge in West and Central Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess …
food security challenge in West and Central Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess …
[HTML][HTML] Tree size drives growth interactions in mixed mature stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tamarack (Larix laricina)
Little is known about the growth interactions of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tamarack
(Larix laricina), two important commercial tree species of the Canadian boreal forest. We …
(Larix laricina), two important commercial tree species of the Canadian boreal forest. We …
Sugarcane yield response to legume intercropped: A meta-analysis
P Viaud, B Heuclin, P Letourmy, M Christina… - Field Crops …, 2023 - Elsevier
Intercrop** with legumes has attracted much attention worldwide, regarded as a
sustainable alternative to chemical N-fertilizer. Many studies have investigated the effects of …
sustainable alternative to chemical N-fertilizer. Many studies have investigated the effects of …
The simultaneous assessment of nitrogen and water use efficiency by intercropped pea and barley under contrasting pedoclimatic conditions
Background and aims Currently, there is a pressing need to study and improve both water
and nitrogen (N) use efficiency (WUE and NUE). Surprisingly, this topic has not been …
and nitrogen (N) use efficiency (WUE and NUE). Surprisingly, this topic has not been …
Crop rotation associating a legume and the nickel hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale improves the structure and biofunctioning of an ultramafic soil
RF Saad, A Kobaissi, G Machinet, G Villemin… - Ecological …, 2018 - Springer
N ickel (Ni) agromining aims to phytoextract heavy metals using hyperaccumulators whilst at
the same time rehabilitating ultramafic soils. After removing the bioavailable metal …
the same time rehabilitating ultramafic soils. After removing the bioavailable metal …
Soil microbial and Ni-agronomic responses to Alyssum murale interplanted with a legume
RF Saad, A Kobaissi, X Goux, M Calusinska… - Applied Soil …, 2018 - Elsevier
Agromining aims to rehabilitate contaminated or natural metal-rich soils (ultramafic soils) by
extracting metals of high economic importance, such as nickel (Ni), using hyperaccumulator …
extracting metals of high economic importance, such as nickel (Ni), using hyperaccumulator …
[PDF][PDF] Typology and prospects for the improvement of market gardening systems in South-Kivu, Eastern DR Congo
SS Ndjadi, RK Vumilia, LE Ahoton, A Saidou… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2020 - ruforum.org
Vegetables play a very important role in rural and urban communities as both food and a
business opportunity. They are fast-growing species, with high nutritional values and able to …
business opportunity. They are fast-growing species, with high nutritional values and able to …