Intercrop** with legume for agroecological crop** systems: Complementarity and facilitation processes and the importance of soil microorganisms. A review

O Duchene, JF Vian, F Celette - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017 - Elsevier
Intercrop** is a powerful way to promote a more diversified plant community in the field,
thereby enabling complementary and facilitative relationships. In these systems, legumes …

[HTML][HTML] Oilseeds in intercrop** systems: strategies to increase oil quality and fatty acid profile, a review

M Mirdoraghi, SM Farahani, A Rezazadeh - Journal of Agriculture and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The purpose of intercrop** is to promote positive biological interactions between plants.
The ecological principles that govern intercrop** can be relevant across various species …

Strip crop** increases yield and revenue: multi-year analysis of an organic system in the Netherlands

SD Juventia, DF van Apeldoorn - Frontiers in Sustainable Food …, 2024 -
Intercrop** is proposed as a promising strategy to meet future food demand while
reducing agriculture's environmental impact by re-diversifying agricultural fields. Strip …

Plantain productivity: Insights from Cameroonian crop** systems

S Dépigny, ED Wils, P Tixier, MN Keng, C Cilas… - Agricultural …, 2019 - Elsevier
Understanding the components of plantain productivity is important for contributing to the
food security challenge in West and Central Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess …

[HTML][HTML] Tree size drives growth interactions in mixed mature stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tamarack (Larix laricina)

SR Proulx, A Leduc, N Thiffault, A Ameztegui - Forest Ecology and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Little is known about the growth interactions of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tamarack
(Larix laricina), two important commercial tree species of the Canadian boreal forest. We …

Sugarcane yield response to legume intercropped: A meta-analysis

P Viaud, B Heuclin, P Letourmy, M Christina… - Field Crops …, 2023 - Elsevier
Intercrop** with legumes has attracted much attention worldwide, regarded as a
sustainable alternative to chemical N-fertilizer. Many studies have investigated the effects of …

The simultaneous assessment of nitrogen and water use efficiency by intercropped pea and barley under contrasting pedoclimatic conditions

Z Bahia, BF Zohra, H Benalia, S Mounir, K Omar… - Plant and Soil, 2025 - Springer
Background and aims Currently, there is a pressing need to study and improve both water
and nitrogen (N) use efficiency (WUE and NUE). Surprisingly, this topic has not been …

Crop rotation associating a legume and the nickel hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale improves the structure and biofunctioning of an ultramafic soil

RF Saad, A Kobaissi, G Machinet, G Villemin… - Ecological …, 2018 - Springer
N ickel (Ni) agromining aims to phytoextract heavy metals using hyperaccumulators whilst at
the same time rehabilitating ultramafic soils. After removing the bioavailable metal …

Soil microbial and Ni-agronomic responses to Alyssum murale interplanted with a legume

RF Saad, A Kobaissi, X Goux, M Calusinska… - Applied Soil …, 2018 - Elsevier
Agromining aims to rehabilitate contaminated or natural metal-rich soils (ultramafic soils) by
extracting metals of high economic importance, such as nickel (Ni), using hyperaccumulator …

[PDF][PDF] Typology and prospects for the improvement of market gardening systems in South-Kivu, Eastern DR Congo

SS Ndjadi, RK Vumilia, LE Ahoton, A Saidou… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2020 -
Vegetables play a very important role in rural and urban communities as both food and a
business opportunity. They are fast-growing species, with high nutritional values and able to …